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Alternative method of winter digging!


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  • #16
    Excellent! That must have been brilliant to watch. If i lived closer I'd deffo have tickets to see that. As for the adventure playground, that every littluns dream. (and mine too if I'm honest)

    Kirsty b xx


    • #17
      hiya, this is 'the eldest daughter' i do happen to have a name, but you know parents. i cant believe im getting up and out for 9 tomorrow morning to watch a digger pull a digger out a dyke (try saying that three times fast). i may have to get the olds to record it on their phones so i dont have to get up - that is if they are capable of remembering how to once ive shown them, (they are a bit slow when it comes to technolodgy). if we take any good photos we will be sure to post them at some point tomorrow. ive had enough of remembering how to spell things in full at this time of night, short hand is so much better. im going to have to go to bed now if im getting up that early. nite-nite
      Last edited by Brookfield Growers; 12-01-2007, 10:15 PM.
      Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow
      - Author Unknown


      • #18
        Looking forward to the latest installment chaps (and chapesses!). Snadger - you have the most wicked sense of humour! Long may you reign! DDL
        Bernie aka DDL

        Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


        • #19
          Hi Brookfiield Growers Daughter. Join the Grapevine yourself and have your own username!!!!
          Last edited by Lesley Jay; 13-01-2007, 12:08 AM.


          • #20

            Hey, i got ma own username thing, (its the eldest daughter btw), they eventually managed to get it out! it took a while but they did it. here are some of the pictures, when we got there (above) and when the camera batteries ran out (below). hope you like them.

            . . . not long after we got there, the driver jumped ship . . .

            (again) oh well, he did get back in when they worked out how to get the thing out. lol. hope this is enough for now, im sure the olds will fill in all the boring details for you later.

            Last edited by xXxBrookfieldPrincessxXx; 13-01-2007, 04:22 PM.
            Luv BrookfieldPrincess


            • #21
              lovely pics Brooksfield Princess, thanks for the update. Am waiting to see if Central News carry the story!!
              Hope to hear more from you through the season - how do you like lottie-ing?


              • #22
                erm, im not too fussed about it, i dont go down everyweekend, i do like a lie-in, and i dont like the cold, i will probably go down in the summer, work on my tan whilst digging or getting refreshments for everyone (the latter is most likely), unfortunately there were no news crews to cover the story but even the builders were taking pictures. it was very funny.

                Luv BrookfieldPrincess


                • #23
                  keep reading here - it is also very funny (at times!)
                  were there any fit builders?

                  Gardening can be a bit of a pain when it's other people's stuff, but planting seeds, watching them grow, then EATING them - well, nothing to beat it for getting revenge!
                  hope to see you around. all the best.


                  • #24
                    unfortunately no fit builders, all rather old, beer bellied, slightly grey and/or balding, not good. i like flowers, we have got a flower bed, but we cant put anything in yet, unfortunately. our chickens like eating our produce aswell, especially the sweetcorn. i like the sweetcorn and cucumber, so i guess you're right, it is fun eating them. i should make more of an effort to grow them. lol

                    Luv BrookfieldPrincess


                    • #25
                      sorry to hear about the builders
                      Hope you get to enjoy the growing bit and that your chucks don't eat all your flowers over the summer!
                      Look forward to speaking to you again


                      • #26
                        This all makes me feel a bit better about getting our Landrover full of firewood stuck in a field, slowly sinking, a few years ago. We were living in a house with no vehicle access (in the mountains of Snowdonia), so the Landy was the only way to get fuel to the house. Anyway, there it stayed as the waters rose. It rained every single day from mid September to mid December. We were starting to consider an Ark. It looked so sad out there, languishing in a swamp. Wouldn't have been so bad, but we had to carry all the wood back to the house in rucksacks, a slow motion slip-slidy relay. After about 2 months, it was just about dry enough to get a tractor to drag it out, and off we drove!


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