Come on Grapes, I need to make my mind up. After 12 months of no lottie plot I've been cajoled into taking one on again, and I have to say I have missed going down there. trouble is I've got two choices now
So what do I do now! If it's the one I think it is he's got about half of it to soft fruit so I'd end up with a bit more plot to look after but I'd sort of decided that I'd have enough with the 1st option but this would mean I could have a bit more and could grow some of my chrysanths and dahlia's on there as well as the other stuff.
I really can't make up my mind as to what to do so come try and talk me round ...

- One of the guys who's got a double plot has offered to let me have a chunk at the top of his big enough for a raised bed and a 20 x 10 ploytunnel
- or I had a letter off one of the committee guys saying as of March he was giving up his plot as he was moving.
So what do I do now! If it's the one I think it is he's got about half of it to soft fruit so I'd end up with a bit more plot to look after but I'd sort of decided that I'd have enough with the 1st option but this would mean I could have a bit more and could grow some of my chrysanths and dahlia's on there as well as the other stuff.
I really can't make up my mind as to what to do so come try and talk me round ...
