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Stones- to riddle or not to riddle thats the ??


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  • Stones- to riddle or not to riddle thats the ??

    Just moved into a new house, thankfully there was a veg patch already dug. I have started digging it over, but due to the previous owners building a greenhouse and putting in paths they have put the rubble and stones in the veg patch.
    Now is it best to get rid of as many as possible (top foot or so) or should I leave it as it is and just do the parts that I will be growing tatties and carrots etc in.

    I hope someone out there can help, if I have to do the lot it will be a big job!!!

  • #2
    Mucky Lizz. Welcome to the vine.
    Builders� rubble is never going to help your vegetables grow if you wish to grow things like carrots. When carrots hit a stone they tend to fork and form unusual shapes that entertain the child in us all but never seem to gladden the hearts of cooks who have to peel them.
    I riddled all the soil in my vegetable beds as I only intend to ever have to do it the once. The beds are now set up and as long as no one stands on them they will stay that way.
    A riddle will let small stones pass through. These small stones are needed in the beds to form drainage and allow air to get to the plants roots.
    Everyone here on the vine seems to be of the same mind.... Do a little at a time.
    If you only use a quarter of your growing area the first year, what is the harm in that? Just keep the weeds at bay and riddle the same amount next year. That year you will be using half of your growing area.
    Growing vegetables is supposed to be a pleasure that helps relieve tensions not cause it.
    Take it slowly and soon you will have got rid of all the builders rubble and have a fantastic foundation upon which to build your growing success.
    Good luck


    • #3
      well said!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Spot on Jax, I don't think there is anything to add
        Never be afraid to try something new.
        Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
        A large group of professionals built the Titanic


        • #5
          Hi Mucky Lizz!! As Jaxom said you need to riddle all the stones out of the ground. It never seizes to amaze me that although we have removed all the stones from our allotments every time we go there are more stones and pieces of pottery on top of the ground. Just where do they come from??


          • #6
            We find endless pieces of glass!! wish they were pieces of prehistoric finds!!! ( Lindow Pete ,the bog man, was found a couple of hundred yards from our plot!!)
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              Nicos where does it all come from?


              • #8
                Hey thanks for the advice!! Any volunteers to help??? Looking at where you live, I don't think Ive got a chance in hell!!!
                Well heres to a long and tedious spring- wouldn't mind if I could get a suntan at the same time!!! Maybe I'll do the 2nd half during the summer that way I get the best of both worlds!!
                I'll have to keep the dog from running, and the chickens from scratching on the stoney path, then hopefully the plot won't fill up again!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lesley Jay
                  Nicos where does it all come from?
                  They're like wire coathangers, they breed over night
                  Never be afraid to try something new.
                  Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                  A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mucky Lizz!!
                    Hey thanks for the advice!! Any volunteers to help??? Looking at where you live, I don't think Ive got a chance in hell!!!
                    Well heres to a long and tedious spring- wouldn't mind if I could get a suntan at the same time!!! Maybe I'll do the 2nd half during the summer that way I get the best of both worlds!!
                    Lizz, you could have a riddle party for kids. They love getting dirty. Just don't tell their parents before hand what type of riddle you are planning


                    • #11
                      Hi Mucky Lizz
                      Did I see on another thread that you are a Black Isler ? If so, drop me a PM and I may be able to help you out if you need it

                      British by birth
                      Scottish by the Grace of God



                      • #12
                        Sorry Rat, your too old for a party
                        Never be afraid to try something new.
                        Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                        A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                        • #13
                          Never too old

                          Originally posted by nick the grief
                          Sorry Rat, your too old for a party
                          Surely we're never too old to party?

                          They may finish earlier than when we were teenagers/twentysomethings, they take longer to recover from, they may be fewer in number, they may involve less dancing on tables (or maybe not ) but they are always worth having!

                          To riddle one box of soil we'd dug from one area of the garden and stored (although we chucked a few leftover seed potatoes in it to save wasting them) we got a piece of rusty metal that had formed the base of an old barbeque. It was slightly courser than a riddle but fitted over a wheelbarrow very nicely. We then shovelled on the soil and pulled it back and forth with the spade. What was left on top we tipped away in a corner to go into post holes at a later date. It was quicker and easier on the arms than; a small amount onto a riddle and shake, shake, shake.

                          Do what you enjoy, or learn to enjoy what you do - life is too short.


                          • #14
                            Never too old

                            There is no such thing as too old to party - ask my neighbours ! Our parties have become legend in the four years since we moved here - usually begin in garden at about noon and finish in the house about 5 - in the morning!! We get the bottle bank to come to us!

                            British by birth
                            Scottish by the Grace of God



                            • #15
                              Sewer Rat,
                              That must be the Scottish way!! I have lost counts of the numerous times that we were just invited for a drink, and after something to eat, and numerous bottles it is about 12 hours since arriving!!!
                              Yes I'm a Black Isler I know Tain quite well Winkies and Gardners Building supplies(now Keyline)+ (my ex-employers and where my accident took place but in a different branch)


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