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AGM advice needed ASAP


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  • AGM advice needed ASAP

    Hi all,
    I'm really hoping that someone can help me here. Our present committee have been in place for 1 year, and they've upset over half the plot holders, we want to vote them out but the rules are very sketchy about exactly who gets to vote. We have a few plots where just one name is down on the official list but 8 people work it, how many votes do they get for instance.
    We have a couple who are on the committee, but only his name is on the official list - these are the main antagonists down there and I want to know if his wives name isn't even on the list then she's not eligible to even be on the committee, and if it's one vote per plot (that is what another allotmenteer was told once) then they both shouldn't be voting. Sorry if this sounds confusing. I'm off to see the council to give me the clear guide to this, because the chairwoman is also as horrid and bent as this couple (bullying everyone).
    I have no idea if rules vary from area to area, but if anyone knows then I'd be very happy, many thanks

  • #2
    If the rules aren't written down, then what applies to one should apply to another. Ie: If they are both voting from one plot, then the 8 people from another plot should also all be able to vote. If they aren't all allowed to vote, then neither should she. If that makes sense.
    On our plots, you're not allowed to be on the committee at all if you aren't registered as a plot-holder.


    • #3
      On our plots each plotholder has a vote. We only have full plots and only one person pays the rent for each plot.......the votee. For Insurance purposes a list of plot holders names must be kept and I don't think any more than one plotee per plot can be insured?
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #4
        Thank-you so much for your replies, been to see the council this morning, they have told me that she isn't allowed to vote. Only her husbands name is on the list as he signs the form and pays the rent when due in January. The new ballot forms have literally just been posted through my door and there she has her name down as voting for people. I cannot wait to contact the chairwoman and say this isn't valid. This couple have been on the committee years so should know the rules.
        I really appreciate your help on this, let's hope the current 'bent' committee are once and for all voted off!!!
        Many many thanks
        Last edited by Eden; 21-01-2010, 12:19 PM. Reason: spelling mistake


        • #5
          I would say that whoever the plot is in the name of and whoever is billed for the rent should be the person allowed to vote, as for the plot with 8 people on it we have strict rules on our site about subletting ie it is not allowed even if no money changes hands between the plotholder and the sub lettee, we take the view that if the plot is too much for the plot holder to manage they should be looking to give up fully or partially. If you get your way and clear the old committee I would try and tighten up the rules and regulations to prevent this happening, my committee as just doing such and so far hasn't met with too much resitance maybe we have just been lucky. Good luck


          • #6
            on my allotment site you are allowed to have registered helpers and if you give up your allotment or die they can inherit the allotment. good idea if they have invested their labour in it.


            • #7
              on our site you can have a 1 joint plot holder only per plot, they pay a fiver (i think) to cover insurance & association fees. But they cannot vote at the AGM only the main plotholder can.
              The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


              • #8
                Wow, some great stuff here, all the ones on that plot, the group of them, everybody is fine with them all working on it, they do a great job and they all take turns to do the jobs and their plot is fab, I don't think that is the issue, as only the girl with her name down will vote for all of them.

                Here once the plot is paid for it seems as though anybody can work it, but I love the idea of having named helpers, so everyone knows who is who.

                And the rule about a plot holder dying really needs to be added where I am. Last summer a really old gentleman passed away (the chairwoman had hounded him and hounded him for months and months, saying he was neglecting his plot. Everyone mucked in while this poor chap was in serious ill health) He unfortunately died and the committee were on his plot like vultures, the chairwoman took his shed, another his greenhouse. It was just awful to see. We contacted the family to say if you want the stuff on there then you should come down, but what an awful time to be contacting them, we all felt terrible and that the committee behaved appallingly, the chairwoman swapped her plot with his and kept everything. The family told us to sell all his tools and let them have the money, but the chairwoman kept it all.
                I have to put all these ideas in writing because they cannot be discussed at the AGM unless they have been officially added beforehand.

                The Chairwoman also went round to a plotholders house to inspect her back garden, the lady has a disabled daughter who exhausts her and her allotment is her refuge, she's a single lady with 3 other children and I take my hat off to her for managing so well. When we all found out the chairwoman had been round to see her garden (and really slagged her off to anyone who would hear) we were shocked.

                She's a bad bad chairwoman!!!

                again, many thanks



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