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  • #16
    Set three traps........caught one mole!
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #17
      Originally posted by PenzanceLisa View Post
      ... well, been back for the first time in a couple of weeks - several new molehills on my plot and none at all on the one next to it, where they have - wait for it - one of those big round-face bird-scarers on a pole stuck into the ground ... thinking this might be why the moles have not ventured that extra few feet along, because this bird scarer must work in the same way as the 'beach windmills' suggested a few weeks back: the movement of the ball rotating in the wind sending a vibration down thorugh the pole into the ground .... SO I am off to scour the beach-shops for windmills forst thing tommorrow - or maybe bodge together a few homemade efforts perhaps? Also going to try the cat poo, and the cane-down-the-hole trick AND the empty bottles - will report back on progress, as and when .....
      progress update ..... the moletraps (scary looking contraptions!) put in palce by the site owner have caught nothing. I have - as advised - stuck garden canes into the existing molehills, and have to be honest I can see no new ones since I did this a couple of weeks back. In the meantime a trip to sunny Sherringham on the North Norfolk coast a week or so ago enabled the purchase of two super shiny and colourful beach windmills - the beach shops here in Cornwall that I have been to for some reason don't curently have any. The young man in the shop, when I told him what they were for, said that he sells a lot of them for this purpose! Anyway, they are now proudly installed on the one of my two allotment plots that was troubled with moles (the plot next to it for some reason has not been ventured into - yet!) and so we will see what happens .... bonus is they will also act as bird scarers, so that was definately money well spent at 99p each! (If they work on the principle of vibration, then this is much better value than the £24.99 sonic-doodahs you can buy to do the same job!).


      • #18
        There is a field down the road from Marley Towers that has got SUPER Moles in it the mole hills are half a barrow load in size ginormous things.. we have moles in the garden here but would not want their cousins from down the road...jacob
        What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
        Ralph Waide Emmerson


        • #19
          Sonic mole repeller does not work nor do seaside windmills nor do sork mole bulbs nor do mothballs nor does cat poo. I speak from experience I guess the traps will work if I could get it right I despair my garden looks like a mine field


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