Hello all, wondering if you can give me some tips? We have 2 quarter plots at seperate lottys.
Plot 1 is further away, and as I dont drive difficult to get to in the between school runs. My lotty partner can only get there weekends. So this year we are attempting to grow less fidly stuff there.such as spuds squashes root veg etc This has an established bed sytem and we are gonna raise soe of the beds.
Plot 2 is new. Currently being cleared of couch grass, well it will be when it unfreezes! We were gonna do a similar bed system, but my lotty buddy thinks its easier this year if we just grow in a traditional lines to start with.
We are wanting to grow the following
Sweetcorn + popping corn
Squashes for seed saving circle 1
Climbing french beans for seed saving circle
Red cabbage
Purle sprouting broccoli
Collard vates
Maybe 5 star perennial broc/ or all yaer round cauliflowers
Possibly sorcify and scorzonera but they may go to lotty1?
Can you give me any advice as to what should go next to what. Have done a search but ended up more confused, especially since we want to introduce a bed system next year once we have tried the plot out and hopefully sorted the soil.
Yours in anticipation, thankyou
Plot 1 is further away, and as I dont drive difficult to get to in the between school runs. My lotty partner can only get there weekends. So this year we are attempting to grow less fidly stuff there.such as spuds squashes root veg etc This has an established bed sytem and we are gonna raise soe of the beds.
Plot 2 is new. Currently being cleared of couch grass, well it will be when it unfreezes! We were gonna do a similar bed system, but my lotty buddy thinks its easier this year if we just grow in a traditional lines to start with.
We are wanting to grow the following
Sweetcorn + popping corn
Squashes for seed saving circle 1
Climbing french beans for seed saving circle
Red cabbage
Purle sprouting broccoli
Collard vates
Maybe 5 star perennial broc/ or all yaer round cauliflowers
Possibly sorcify and scorzonera but they may go to lotty1?
Can you give me any advice as to what should go next to what. Have done a search but ended up more confused, especially since we want to introduce a bed system next year once we have tried the plot out and hopefully sorted the soil.
Yours in anticipation, thankyou
