I was thinking that as I dig each new bed on my allotment I should cover it with something before I'm ready to plant it up - to stop the weeds and to warm the soil up.
I'm wondering what to use! Would it be worth getting some weed suppressing membrane as once my beds are ready I could then use it to line the paths I'll make?
Any ideas on what / where to buy? I don't have any plastic sheeting or similar lying about that I could use.
Many thanks!
I was thinking that as I dig each new bed on my allotment I should cover it with something before I'm ready to plant it up - to stop the weeds and to warm the soil up.
I'm wondering what to use! Would it be worth getting some weed suppressing membrane as once my beds are ready I could then use it to line the paths I'll make?
Any ideas on what / where to buy? I don't have any plastic sheeting or similar lying about that I could use.
Many thanks!
