Hello everybody 
I'm Emma, I work with the Grow Your Own team and I have a question for you. I've just signed up for an allotment and although I have a bit of a wait ahead of me, I'm super excited.
I wanted to ask for your opinion on something. What do you think the benefits are behind sharing an allotment plot?
Do many of you do it? How is it divided? Do you share tools/seeds/jobs? Is it nice to have someone else about to ask for advice and such? Do you take turns to bring a thermos full of tea?
It would be great if you could fill me in on some of your allotment sharing stories. If you don't share, but would like to - please explain why
I can't wait to hear from you all! Your responses may be published in the May issue of Grow Your Own.

I'm Emma, I work with the Grow Your Own team and I have a question for you. I've just signed up for an allotment and although I have a bit of a wait ahead of me, I'm super excited.
I wanted to ask for your opinion on something. What do you think the benefits are behind sharing an allotment plot?
Do many of you do it? How is it divided? Do you share tools/seeds/jobs? Is it nice to have someone else about to ask for advice and such? Do you take turns to bring a thermos full of tea?
It would be great if you could fill me in on some of your allotment sharing stories. If you don't share, but would like to - please explain why

I can't wait to hear from you all! Your responses may be published in the May issue of Grow Your Own.
