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Vegetables in shade


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  • Vegetables in shade

    Hi guys
    Two questions:
    1. Do any vegetables grow well in shade? I have a small green patch to the south end of my lottie and could grow some stuff in grow bags maybe. My plot is small so want to make use of all the space I have.

    2. Looks like my plot can get flooded when it rains a lot or when the river to the north side overflows. Do I have to be overly worried that all my veggies that I plan to plant could rot
    cheers Reks

  • #2
    I don't think any veggies (except mebbe rice?) would enjoy being flooded. However, shady areas are fine for leafy veg - brassicas and salads should do ok there.
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      Ask the other plot holders, they'll tell you how it is when it rains heavily


      • #4
        I have a flooding bit to my plot - you should be at the worst time right now - or at least 2 weeks ago. Worry about the summer floods mainly and stick summer crops only for when it is warm enough to be dry.

        Try this link from a few weeks ago - sensible ideas for you to try.

        Raised beds gets the level up a bit.

        Don't whatever you do tread on the wet soil when it is sopping - just makes life hard later when you want to grow stuff.


        • #5
          Some soft fruit, such as (some) raspberry varieties and blackberries will tollerate a bit of shade. Would that work for you? But, I wouldn't put Rhubarb there, as it can tend to sulk.


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