Our local athority seem very reluctant to give us any support or maintain the site (fence & gates etc). They're trying to push a new tenancy agreement on us that will stop s lighting fires. They stopped providing skips last year (before that we had 3 a year) and won't even give us green wate recycling bins for the site. I know we're lucky that we're able to get a council site because it's a council owned site we can't get grants to pay for things that would improve the site (e.g. fence etc).
Thought I'd do a quick pole to see what you guys get in the way of facilities (shed's, toilets, skips etc....).
I may even print your replies and post them to th council
Thought I'd do a quick pole to see what you guys get in the way of facilities (shed's, toilets, skips etc....).
I may even print your replies and post them to th council
