Sorry if this is in the wrong place, not sure where to post it.
Just after I got my plot about 2 1/2 years ago I went through a bit a bad time personally where I found it difficult to cope generally, never mind trying to cultivate half an overgrown field. My other half suggested I share a bit of the plot with his retired uncle and at the time I was happy to do so as it took a bit of the weight off my shoulders.
My idea was that he would have a small piece of the plot to potter about on but the plot as a whole would be mine, all mine. I couldn�t have explained this properly (I thought it was obvious d�uh) as he keeps doing stuff on the rest of the plot without discussing it with me. It�s mostly minor(ish) stuff that I just bite my tongue over (won�t go into detail here, this post�s long enough already).
However, what really upset me last year was that, without consulting me he made an arrangement with a neighbouring householder to run a hosepipe from the guy�s outside tap, along my plot fence and fixed a tap to a post outside so that everyone could use it and then � and I didn�t realise this bit till another plotholder told me later in the season � went round the other plots asking for money to give the guy with the house. (We have no water supply at my site).
I know is seems a great idea and he genuinely meant well by it, but there are too many potential problems. For one thing, there�s too much scope for issues/disputes to arise with other plotholders over the supply and for another, the guy who owns the house could be breaking some law or regulation by supplying the water.
The bottom line is that if there�s any kind of problem at all, it�s going to fall back on me as the lease holder of the plot and I really, really don�t want the hassle. I just want to enjoy my plot without having to worry about what happens if......
His uncle is a really nice guy, who�s only trying to be helpful but he�s very much a �doer� who just goes ahead if he thinks something�s a good idea. I don�t want to hurt his feelings but I�m already getting worked up over this and if I don�t say something I know I�ll end up really stressed over it like I did last year. My other half is no help as he just tells me to speak to his uncle. I get on fine generally with his Uncle but we�re not really close and I�d feel awkward just phoning him up to say this (we don�t meet that often as he�s retired so is up the plot during the week whereas I only get up at weekends)
Any ideas on how I can approach this???? (Sorry for the long post)
Just after I got my plot about 2 1/2 years ago I went through a bit a bad time personally where I found it difficult to cope generally, never mind trying to cultivate half an overgrown field. My other half suggested I share a bit of the plot with his retired uncle and at the time I was happy to do so as it took a bit of the weight off my shoulders.
My idea was that he would have a small piece of the plot to potter about on but the plot as a whole would be mine, all mine. I couldn�t have explained this properly (I thought it was obvious d�uh) as he keeps doing stuff on the rest of the plot without discussing it with me. It�s mostly minor(ish) stuff that I just bite my tongue over (won�t go into detail here, this post�s long enough already).
However, what really upset me last year was that, without consulting me he made an arrangement with a neighbouring householder to run a hosepipe from the guy�s outside tap, along my plot fence and fixed a tap to a post outside so that everyone could use it and then � and I didn�t realise this bit till another plotholder told me later in the season � went round the other plots asking for money to give the guy with the house. (We have no water supply at my site).
I know is seems a great idea and he genuinely meant well by it, but there are too many potential problems. For one thing, there�s too much scope for issues/disputes to arise with other plotholders over the supply and for another, the guy who owns the house could be breaking some law or regulation by supplying the water.
The bottom line is that if there�s any kind of problem at all, it�s going to fall back on me as the lease holder of the plot and I really, really don�t want the hassle. I just want to enjoy my plot without having to worry about what happens if......
His uncle is a really nice guy, who�s only trying to be helpful but he�s very much a �doer� who just goes ahead if he thinks something�s a good idea. I don�t want to hurt his feelings but I�m already getting worked up over this and if I don�t say something I know I�ll end up really stressed over it like I did last year. My other half is no help as he just tells me to speak to his uncle. I get on fine generally with his Uncle but we�re not really close and I�d feel awkward just phoning him up to say this (we don�t meet that often as he�s retired so is up the plot during the week whereas I only get up at weekends)
Any ideas on how I can approach this???? (Sorry for the long post)