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Solar Panels


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  • Solar Panels

    I don't have an allotment plot yet, still waiting. Im just wondering if anyone has solar panels in there shed, also interested in how you did it as well if you made it or brought a kit.


  • #2
    �Que? panels? do what? we talking electricity generation? run a computer/ radio...charge your phone?....I know a fellow who lives in a caravan who uses panels to charge various battery operated things.

    your wife chucked you out then?

    I guess a black box and some waterpipe, a tank and maybe a little pump might run a decent shower.
    Last edited by Paulottie; 02-04-2010, 12:21 PM.


    • #3
      I'm with Paul on this Why would you need solar panels at the lottie? I'd be concerned about theft as a lot of sheds get broken into at one time or other.
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      • #4
        It was really more of an idea, to generate electric and save money, plus if you have a wood burner what is going to get more damaged.



        • #5
          One use for solar panels (and one I'll certainly be using when I finally get my hands on a greenhouse) is this:
          Solar Greenhouse Heat Sink - Solar

          It only needs a tiny one though.

          I could see the point if you wanted to use a radio on the plot, or maybe some electric tools for some reason...
          ...but then, I hate hearing radios on the plot (I much prefer the peace, quiet and birdsong) and have no great use for electric tools and imagine I'll need them even less once I have everything set up...
          ...and a wind-up radio would probably do the same job for less money.


          • #6
            Ive found some solar shed lights
            Proteam Solar Shed Light, Sl1038: Lighting
            Solar shed light 10 bright white LED with remote control: Garden & Outdoors
            Solar Shed Light
            I might try some as only a few days ago another bulb in my bird shed went.


            • #7
              I know the Council have fitted a windmill to the Parkie's shed which generates enough power so he can make a cuppa!
              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

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              • #8
                I thought about solar panels, but decided to go for a 3.5KW generator instead, after all I would need a hell of alot of panels to provide that much power.

                Mainly use it for electric tools when i'm building stuff.


                • #9
                  I think it depends on what you want them to do. A 5W car battery charger isn't going to be a lot of good for a 3000W kettle but it also depends on how often things are going to be used.

                  A set up of a solar panel, a car battery and a power inverter (or multiples thereof) will do a job. I was once able to keep two mobile phones charged and run a laptop for about hours a day off of such a set up for about 4 weeks in November / December (so not a great deal of charging was really done) with such a set up and this was just 2 5W solar panels.

                  Summer shouldn't be a problem re-charging but I suppose if you get one of the bigger solar panels and don't use electrical appliances too often then you should be able to get through the winter too.
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