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Theft and vandalism


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  • #61
    i cant really add anything to what everyone else has said; go for old tools and try not to leave anythng there, especially combustables/poisons, or even fertilizer. ( there was a spate of allotment fires here a couple of years ago) plus, a weirdo might be tempted to put some of these liquid s into chickens water, etc. i wouldnt leave anything sharp or pointed there either, especially if there are chicken or ducks on the allotments (sorry for the horror stories- just in case some sicko gets busy- i remember my older son telling me that some heathen he went to school with had got into trouble for biting the head of a duck at his village's pond) no point in making it easy for them. i would maybe put wire mesh over any glass windows to help cushion the glass, but to be honest, if people want to cause damage, they will find a way. the other thing is dont always go at the same time, try to go at irregular times, so there is more of a chance of vandals being seen


    • #62
      I've recently had my shed broken into (I don't have locks on the door) for the first time since I got my plot last winter. First time they had a good rummage and when they found absolutely diddly squat (as there is little more than old tools and some netting) they chucked slug pellets around, signed their name (in graffiti tag language) and went on their way. Second time they chucked garden lime all over the shed added a little more graffiti and then left

      It does give me the jitters a bit especially if I'm there late and often am the only person around but my neighbour consoled me and said it was just a gang of 'yoof' and not to concern myself. All the same I still carry my mobile on me whilst on my own there...such a shame things are that way really
      RtB x


      • #63
        Originally posted by Paulottie View Post
        some truth in that

        We luckily live in the country ...but frankly we have no sheds, no lights, no fence, no theft....tend to leave my fork where it stands.

        If you do need to hide stuff. I reckon dig a hole wrap any valuable tools in builders plastic put an old door (possibly a bit of straw) over it ... also makes a handy make shift grave if you catch any vandals or tea-leaves.

        Of course you'd tend to know if these spots are found that its an insider thing...whilst mindless vandalism tends to be pi**ed /mindless kids...theft is very often someone you know....especially with produce

        Sheds/tripwires..a nail,wire ,spring and percussion cap from a cartridge/blank makes a fantastic bang in the dead of night.
        We are the same as you and live in the country with no lights or fencing. The trouble is that the local yobs have decided that they like to have a bbq which their cans of alcohol they leave for us to pick up every morning and they take onions from our lotties to put on their bbq


        • #64
          A couple of months ago my allotment got broken into, there was water gushing everywhere.When we investagate the problem we noted the copper pipe and the brass tap had been sawn off
          They took only 4 taps and about 12ft of copper pipe off the site i'm on.
          When we reported it to the council they said they hit the allotments next to the cemertary on beach rd in total they took about 20 taps how said in this day and age when you go to the allotment to get away from the rat race and this happens.


          • #65
            Ive had all my beetroot nicked! Nothing else gone just an empty bed where my beet was. Nicely smoothed over so they did show a little bit of care.
            History teaches us that history teaches us nothing. - Hegel


            • #66
              Just found out today that the lads (20 and 21 ) who broke into a couple of sites here and among other things killed some geese and ducks have been sent to prison. Apparently their defence lawyer said they had behavioral problems. Damn right they do but it's no excuse.
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • #67
                Originally posted by oldie View Post
                Ive had all my beetroot nicked! ....Nicely smoothed over so they did show a little bit of care.
                Apparently, this is a major problem now - theft of crops!

                In a small way that is almost worst than the mindless thugs that steal and trash - because it would most likely have been done by another gardener

                Originally posted by binley100 View Post
                Just found out today that the lads (20 and 21 ) who broke into a couple of sites here and among other things killed some geese and ducks have been sent to prison. Apparently their defence lawyer said they had behavioral problems. Damn right they do but it's no excuse.
                Prison is too good for them


                • #68
                  Some *********s have been mucking about on my plot. Went up last night and noticed a couple of 8' canes lying near the gate, then one on top of the polytunnel and then more annoyingly, one THROUGH the polytunnel wall. Found 3 more cane sized holes in it too. Mendable but VERY annoying. They've pulled out 5 canes in total, 2 from a runner bean wigwam (2 beans uprooted and some sweet peas a bit iffy) and some peas lying on the floor but salvagable. Fixed it all up again but not happy. Think some peas may have been had too but not 100% sure on that one. Will be going up again tonight and am dreading seeing the polytunnel like a porcupine and full of canes

                  Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                  Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                  • #69
                    Our site held a security meeting last weekend to try and sort a vandalism and theft problem, apparently 16 sheds had been broken into, 1 has been burnt down, some fencing has been stolen and some paving stones.

                    When we arrived on the saturday morning, the chain and lock was missing, turns out someone stole the old one and replaced it with their own padlock and chain

                    Being a new plot owner and with a child, I worry but am not letting it ruin my expierence.
                    I do though worry about going down in the daytime with just my daughter, as the issue was rasied that you don't know who is coming through the gates. Apparently alot of people who have been kicked of the site haven't given their keys back.....and the same lock has been used for a few years.

                    Its a shame
                    The loud wind never reached the ship,
                    Yet now the ship moved on !
                    Beneath the lightning and the Moon
                    The dead men gave a groan.

                    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose,
                    Nor spake, nor moved their eyes ;
                    It had been strange, even in a dream,
                    To have seen those dead men rise.


                    • #70
                      OK this is getting beyond a joke now. Been up to the plot for the first time since Sunday after work tonight and discovered that this time it wasn't canes through the side of the polytunnel it was a knife down the side, not the whole way but it took me half an hour to tape back together . Added to that they've cut through a tomato cordon and the string which was supporting it, had a cucumber, a couple of courgettes (and cut off a couple of leaves), some tomatoes and peppers as well as possibly some peas. They must have used a knife as there is no way they could have snapped any of this stuff off that cleanly. Apparently they also broke into the next door plot's shed and cut down a cucumber on another plot. Will be reporting it to the police tomorrow as well as the council but am more worried that this is going to be an ongoing thing. Didn't have much trouble last year but this is the third time something has been damaged in three weeks and each time it's been a bit worse and I'm not really worried what will happen next.

                      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                      • #71
                        It's ridiculous isn't it I never keep anything on there I have had things stolen and a plastic greenhouse burnt down so now I just stick to the essentials which is a trowel and a shovel and spade. I keep chickens at the allotment and in the past have had one stolen. They killed the ones on the guy next doors plot and threw them over the fence behind. He has now given up as he feels he cannot continue. It makes me so mad because I know the time and effort and love put into these plots is beyond measure and for some scum to come along and ruin that on a whim or because they are bored is unnacceptable. All that said I wouldnt let it put anyone off because the rewards are fantastic and the time I spend their is what I enjoy the most. Rant over


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by binley100 View Post
                          Apparently their defence lawyer said they had behavioral problems. Damn right they do but it's no excuse.
                          I assume that's a euphemism for saying that they were brought up badly and didn't know any better.

                          Maybe their parents thought that murdering defenceless animals was amusing and their children thought that doing such was a way to gain respect from their peers.

                          Hopefully the criminal justice system will give them opportunity to widen their horizons and learn how to properly make a positive influence on society.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Alison View Post
                            this time it wasn't canes through the side of the polytunnel it was a knife down the side

                            Why do they do this?

                            This sort of thing really just makes me so angry! I feel so much sympathy for you, if it were to happen to me, I don't know if I'd be able to continue working on my plot.

                            I can sort of understand why people might steal tools from a shed (they can gain money from selling them), but what do they get from just destroyingthe hard work of others?

                            Especially as these are allotments, it can't even be jealousy. I could kind of understand why someone might want to destroy the work of some rich landowner, but allotments are there for everybody, and everybody has equal access to them regardless of wealth or status.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by maypril View Post
                              I can sort of understand why people might steal tools from a shed (they can gain money from selling them), but what do they get from just destroyingthe hard work of others?
                              I know what you mean, it's totally pointless. I've since discovered that they also cut down a load of sunflowers on one plot which had been grown by a little girl and have been poking at chickens with canes that they'd pulled up which is even worse. Don't think that any of the produce they've nicked has been eaten, they cleared one person's tree of immature apples and then just cut them up and left them in a pile

                              Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                              Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                              • #75
                                It takes nerves of steel to carry on


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