Hi guys
Figure this the right section for this but not sure - you're all likely to share my empahsis on veggies anyhow!
I run a little allotment in a housing estate in Brixton and we've got some nice volunteers from a well known bank coming down to do digging and improve the community and all that.
One of the things I'd like them to do is digg over and plant up our path/low fence section. It's just got some fine weeds at the moment. The soil is shallow and the space is about half a metre wide.
Here's picture from two years ago to get an idea of the site.
http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...-allotment.jpg. I'm talking about where the metal fence runs in the corner.
Basically I need some advice on a planting scheme.
I want to put in some plants that will be (in order of importance)
a) Pretty. 400 people can see the place from their windows so it seems rude not to.
b) Very low maintenance!!
c) Quick growing.
c) Edible
d) Transplantable, as there's a strong chance that in 3 years they'll be knocking the estate down.
e) Can with stand some pruneing as the estate manager is OBSESSED with anyting growing onto the pavement.
Any ideas of nice edible perenial flowers that wil grow quickly and provide interest all year?
But seriously, if you've got a bit scrubby space what have you put there??
Figure this the right section for this but not sure - you're all likely to share my empahsis on veggies anyhow!
I run a little allotment in a housing estate in Brixton and we've got some nice volunteers from a well known bank coming down to do digging and improve the community and all that.
One of the things I'd like them to do is digg over and plant up our path/low fence section. It's just got some fine weeds at the moment. The soil is shallow and the space is about half a metre wide.
Here's picture from two years ago to get an idea of the site.
http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...-allotment.jpg. I'm talking about where the metal fence runs in the corner.
Basically I need some advice on a planting scheme.
I want to put in some plants that will be (in order of importance)
a) Pretty. 400 people can see the place from their windows so it seems rude not to.
b) Very low maintenance!!
c) Quick growing.
c) Edible
d) Transplantable, as there's a strong chance that in 3 years they'll be knocking the estate down.
e) Can with stand some pruneing as the estate manager is OBSESSED with anyting growing onto the pavement.
Any ideas of nice edible perenial flowers that wil grow quickly and provide interest all year?

But seriously, if you've got a bit scrubby space what have you put there??