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can they kick her off for moving house?


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  • can they kick her off for moving house?

    So, we're 4 months into the new allotment year and the rent is paid up until end of December.

    My neighbour has just moved house and the lotty committee have given her a month to clear her plot and give it up. I don't think that's on.

    the 'rules' such as we have, say that you must live within a mile of the district (not the allotment) and she is now 8 miles away. I would interpret that rule as meaning you can only apply for a plot if you live within a mile: I don't think they should be able to kick you off halfway through the year (although it would be entirely reasonable to expect her to leave at the end of this year).

    All her crops are in the ground now, and she's popping up once or two days a week to water and weed.

    What does anyone else think?
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.

  • #2
    Doesn't sound fair to me... esp if they get someone else in who will then have to pay for the year as well, they will get the money twice


    • #3
      Our allotment rules say that you can't have a plot if you live out of the village. But if you already have a plot, they don't make you give it up at all if you move! Unless you let it deteriorate of course. The rules only apply for people taking an allotment; once you've got it, you keep it.

      So yes, I think that's wrong personally. She should definitely be allowed to finish the season. If it was me, I just wouldn't tell them I'd moved, and put a redirect on the mail, until I was ready to give it up...


      • #4
        I think it's wrong too. Once you have the plot and assuming you're keeping it in decent nick, I think it's bad to ask people to go - especially when they have paid till the year end. Someon'e throwing weight around.

        Let them know you've asked it on an open forum - and what the feelings are.
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          TS what is the exact wording of the rule?

          In most cases as said it is about applying to give priority to those in the locality. It would depend on the wording though if they could or could not evict her. Though I can't see it being allowed if the allotment is maintained and rent has been paid until the current year is up.


          • #6
            Sounds petty and mean spirited.

            I rent my plot from the council so don't have problems with a committee or locals knowing your business. However I do know that we had a guy on the plot who moved a good few miles away, kept his plot for several years and only gave it up at the end of the season last year, once he'd got a new plot up and running elsewhere. His plot was then split into 3 smaller plots.

            I don't know if the council knew if he'd moved or how he went about paying if he kept it quiet. But as a plot holder, I certainly didn't see anything wrong with him travelling back to tend to his plot and I didn't mention it to anyone else.

            I would have thought that if you have paid your fee for the year, then you have a contract to tend the plot for that time period. I think once someone has a plot they should be allowed to keep it for as long as they want, as long as they keep it well tended. That's regardless of moving house/out of area etc.

            I put loads of work into getting my plot up and running the first year, as in raised beds, manure etc, with 50% given over to fruit growing. Also as it's no-dig and has lots of perennial flowers coming up in and among the fruit, I hardly have to be there much at all and all still looks great and I can look forward to lots of fruit even if I don't get around to planting much veg.

            So to give all that up, just because I'd moved out of district would break my heart. Sounds like the committee need to be challenged, and they need to take into account what a plot means to an individual, rather than just sticking to district rules.


            • #7
              I think it is outrageous that they are doing this.

              They tried to do this on our alottments which had changed from been run by the district council to the town council they introduced rules that to be elligible for a site you had to live within the town boundaries.

              Well some individuals had moved out of the town boundaries 18 years ago and were still keeping well maintained plots there was a council meeting and the decision overturned.

              What really gripes me is that they are draconian to people who loving care for their plots but people who just leave the plot in a complete mess seem to be left alone at present there are at least 6 plots which have not been tendered for at least one season.

              I know how much I wanted my site and had to wait for ages to get it if people on the list knew how badly managed the sites are concerning individuals not using their sites they would not be happy.


              • #8
                Definitely out of order
                You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans

                I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time


                • #9
                  Surely there were terms implied at the start for cancellation.


                  • #10
                    I think it's the way you interpret the rules,i would say sadly the committee have a point but,to ask her to leave now is a bit unfair to be honest,as she is keeping the plot looked after,and has paid her rent for this year.

                    I would ask to talk to someone on the committee and see if we could come to some agrement over the whole thing.As the rules dont seem very clear to me.

                    All the best,Ian


                    • #11
                      I think its awful,fair nough if she wasnt looking after it,and its not as if,as you say she has moved far away


                      • #12
                        It doesn't matter if she's moving to long as she maintains her plot! If she was in the catchment area when she let the plot they have no right to chuck her off if she moves house!
                        Why did she tell them she was moving house anyway? It's nowt to do with the allotment committee!

                        I can feel another online petition brewing here!
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • #13
                          Who does she pay the money to,is it the council or the commitee.If its the former id tell the commitee to get lost and deal direct with the council.They will not kick her off for fear of being taken to court


                          • #14
                            Need to look at the terms and conditions of 'giving up the plot' and unless is states that the plot must be given up with a month's notice if she moves x miles out of the area - then I would think they are onto a sticky wicket.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                              It doesn't matter if she's moving to long as she maintains her plot! If she was in the catchment area when she let the plot they have no right to chuck her off if she moves house!
                              Why did she tell them she was moving house anyway? It's nowt to do with the allotment committee!

                              I can feel another online petition brewing here!
                              Wot that bloke said........
                              Surely they didn't need to know, all they need is a contact number.
                              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


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