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can they kick her off for moving house?


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  • #16
    I would say that when they accepted the current years rent they entered into a legally binding contract and unless there is anything about moving in the allotment rules about having to give it up before the rent is due again, then the committee is opening itself up for legal problems. Not only would they have to pay back the rent but would also have to pay compensation and legal fees if it went to court.
    Cheers Chris

    Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Snadger View Post
      Why did she tell them she was moving house anyway?
      She didn't, but the chairperson noticed her house was up for sale. Then she turned up on the plot with a bleddy great removals van to take her shed away

      I think I put my foot in it, because someone asked me where she's moved to, and I said " ......., I think". Without thinking, obviously: I had no idea they intended to turf her off.

      I have a feeling there's someone else itching to get that plot, because this hasn't happened before. We've just got a new (over-zealous?) committee who are throwing their weight around a bit, telling people their sheds are too big etc. I'm just trying to keep my head down and hope they don't notice the underground bunker I'm building under my compost heap
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #18
        That is why I was wondering what the exact wording is.

        Also as said who owns them, as such who the rent is paid to, matters. When I had an allotment we had some rules but there was the tenancy which was with the council. No rule could go counter to the tenancy and where eviction was concerned only the tenancy mattered.


        • #19
          I suppose that strictly speaking she has moved out of the allotments catchment area and so is no longer eligible, and the council are within their rights. But it seems pretty damn miserable and petty not to let her finish off the growing season. A reasonable compromise would have been at the end of autumn, or by christmas, or something like that


          • #20
            [QUOTE=Dottie;672638]Sounds petty and mean spirited.

            His plot was then split into 3 smaller plots.

            Its funny you should say that, i pass a allotment site on the outskirts of scunthorpe all big huge plots, they had a large bit unused and just grassed, ive noticed they have dug this over and divided it into new plots, but they are tiny probably about 10ft wide and about 20ft long, i wonder whether the huge demand now for allotments, means the councils dont want people having huge plots ? any excuse to take a big plot back and divide it up means more rent !


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