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Feeling disheartened!


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  • Feeling disheartened!

    I havent posted for a while Ive been busy- we found out we're having another baby and Ive been a bit ill.....

    But went to the allotment today and everything's dead! There were runner beans, beetroot, radishes, courgettes, PSB, lettuce and all gone :-( my dad said there's been a frost and its also been so dry.

    Maybe its the hormones but I'm wondering why I bother!

    Anyone got any encouraging allotment news?

  • #2
    Well: shid happens. Too early & too cold for runners & courgettes to be out, and any new transplants will need watering in well when you plant them, then every week if it doesn't rain... start again with some more plants. And don't be a bad mommy and neglect them this time
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Life's like that sometimes Bluebex. Dont give up. Being hormonal and pregnant won't be helping your mood either.
      You can cheat a bit this year and buy in plug plants of the things that would otherwise be late. You have plenty of time to re-sow lettuce and beetroot and radishes. PSB can be got from the Garden Centre.
      Hopefully, the very cold snap we have just had will be the last of it.
      Hope you feel better soon but most of all, don't fret over it. Won't do you or the baby or the veggies! any good. Do what you can, when you can.
      Last edited by Sanjo; 17-05-2010, 08:48 AM.


      • #4
        Bluebex this year has been a hard winter that has destroyed the best laid plans. Disaster has happened to all the very organised people who got everything in a shade early or on time. This year is definitely a year for the late ones!! I've just seen the results with my lottie neighbours' blackened potatoes - mine went in late and are just poking their leaves through, unharmed.
        You still have plenty of time to put new stuff in - and since your ground was all ready for your earlier plantings, it is not like starting from scratch!
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • #5
          Don't Give Up


          We had a frost, I thought I'd lost all my salad spuds but they have survived. They had black leaves and looked very sorry for themselves, Runner Beans are all gone. It's all a learning curve, you wait till next year. Chin up !!


          • #6
            Firstly congratulations on the Baby. I take it you've been having morning afternoon and evening sickness :O(. I hope your past that stage and going into the blooming bit. For me i just got bloomin bigger!!

            The weathers rubbish and i think everyone on here is loosing stuff left right and centre. Like someone else said cheat and gets some plugs. Lots of people at our local carboot are selling veg this year so you should be able to pick up some courgetts, runners. My local focus DIY was selling onion and shallots sets for £1.30 or something like that for a bag and they still looked fine.

            Don't loose heart remenber theres always potatoes to fill the allotment and keep it going for this year. I've been roping in family to help with the weeding and digging. Your pregant and so allowed to use it as an excuse to get anyone and everyone helping out.

            Take care
            Growing vegetables and flowers to share.


            • #7
              B&Q are selling plug plants cheap now,so all is not lost


              • #8
                Hi BlueBex111, I think I may be down the road from you, literally! I have nothing in my plot yet except a solitaryblackcurrent bush that was already there!

                Many wise grapes have managed to calm me down about my lack of progress, good soil, and experience plus time!!My plot is covered in cardboard at the moment, and on the plus side I have stopped sobbing every time I think about it! As everyone else the weather has taken me by surprise and the crops which were in thepoly are now hardeninf off a bit, but desperate to plant something I have put a little courgette and potimarron in a pot.....just to see how they cope with the weather....cuoldnt stop myself!

                Console yourself that beetroot and runners are relatively quick to crop. Thats what Im trying to do!
                Last edited by jackyspratty; 16-05-2010, 08:42 PM.



                • #9
                  Thanks everyone!

                  Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                  Well: shid happens. Too early & too cold for runners & courgettes to be out, and any new transplants will need watering in well when you plant them, then every week if it doesn't rain... start again with some more plants. And don't be a bad mommy and neglect them this time
                  Twosheds you're brave calling me a bad mum! With my hormones what they are you're lucky there's an ether between us ;-) lol

                  Thanks everyone so much Im feeling much better about it today. Going to get down there again with some plugs, think thats a great suggestion.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bluebex111 View Post
                    Twosheds you're brave ...With my hormones
                    We'll get together and compare notes: I flew into a rage y'day when OH dropped a teaspoon into the sink (again! How many times? Rinse it and drain it! gggerrrrrrr)

                    Look on eBay for plug plants too, I've had some right bargains off there
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      Is it safe to say anything yet...
                      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                      What would Vedder do?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                        Is it safe to say anything yet...
                        It's never safe....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                          Is it safe to say anything yet...
                          ha ha ha it certainly is....

                          And its raining so saves me going down to water, yay! More time to look on ebay for plugs, think i need to be more specific! All sorts of stuff is coming up......


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