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Trying to get allotments reinstated


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  • Trying to get allotments reinstated

    Hi I'm new to all this so please be gentle!
    Having not long moved to the area I have been enquiring about allotments in our local area and after being told by the district council that they dont have any near here, I have contacted the parish council clerk who was very helpful. She said there used to be some in the village about 10 years but due to lack of intrest they were allowed to go to scrub land but the land was still available also that there used to be a standpipe on the land and that the water supply should still be there even if the tap isnt. The clerk said she would raise it at the next council meeting in about 4 weeks about reinstating them.
    What I really need help with is what I should be doing to try and ensure they think its a good Idea. I have thought about contacting the local primary school to see if they might be interested in taking a plot or 1/2 plot for teaching the kids about growing their own food and also contacting the local horticultural society
    what do you think?
    I should mention I'm a full time working mom so time is limited.

  • #2
    Its not in the National curulium so the schools wont be interested. You will need to put in minimum of 5 hours a week every week. Once you have your plot established. If it is scrub land it will take a lot of work to get it set up.

    But in the end its worth it.
    My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


    • #3
      Right - you need the drum banging here! Suggest that you get in touch with the local paper - this is a FAB local interest story!

      Also your local councillor should be putting the 'community' interests forward - I know that this wont be your council's first priority (moneywise), but I'm sure that funding could be made available in order to bring this amenity back into play if it's profile is high enough.

      Also the schools may not be quite as dispirited as NOG suggests - healthy eating is really on the agenda at the mo.

      It might also be worth dragging your local church/youth club in - anything to get the profile up will mean you have a better chance of getting this off the ground.

      There are HUGE waiting lists for allotments all over the country - Im sure that you've started something here - and even if you don;t take the campaign all the way yourself, it is something that I'm sure that there are a lot of people will feel strongly enough about to take it further.

      Good luck!


      • #4
        A golden opportunity for the community to demonstrate the grass-roots effectiveness of an enlightened Parish Council

        I'm not familiar with allotment campaigning, wiser raisins will be along in a minute. But I've campaigned successfully on other issues with both D and P Councils, and the process will involve similar steps. Forgive me, as a working mum you've prolly got this sussed - looking back though, there are some killer tactics
        1. You've got a pal in the PC Clerk. Woo hoo! Battle half won! Nurture her and pick her brains about your plans - involve her to make sure you put the best case forward and fit into her timetable. Most important, who owns the land?
        2. Put your case together - one side of A4. Pros and cons. No polyanna-ish stuff - show it will take hard graft and (possibly) money, but show that none of this will involve significant effort on the part of PCouncillors (unless they want to be involved - some may be school guvs etc.) The ideal might be a proposal to take on the land, have it fully let in three years' time, with timetabled reveiw points.
        3. Make a list of PCouncillors. Call them and explain what you're trying to do, then ask if they are interested in the issue generally. If they are, would they comment on the draft proposal, help overcome any objections they might encounter (development? vandalism? public access?). You've got time. Take their comments on board in the final A4 proposal. Find out their other interests - green, schools, social/mental health - and make sure there's an aspect of your plan that will help them move forward on their chosen front too.
        4. If you keep things low-level (in terms of media coverage) until you have an outcome from your proposal, the newspaper can get involved (£?) (monthly column?) in the sustained effort it will take to build a community plot on your scrub, if you have your way at the meeting! If not, you have time to work with friendly PCouncillors and Clerk on a community campaign (i.e. avoid any hint of setting up 'us' and 'them' - unless there's development in view, I think you'll be pushing at an open door)
        5. Whatever the outcome, write and thank each individual PCouncillor for their help afterwards and involve them in next steps.

        Sorry this is short and sweet, good luck to you!
        Last edited by supersprout; 15-02-2007, 06:01 AM.
        not every situation requires a big onion


        • #5
          I'm fine with the work on the allotment Nog the reason I want to get one is so my OH stops moaning about me pinching his grass.

          thanks Hazel of the hill and supersprout for you advice I will try and do as you suggest.

          what I really need is to find someone who can stand up and talk to people, not turn into a quivering wreck like me.


          • #6
            Thats how I got started...Mrs NOG walked me up the allotments like a naughty schoolboy when I dug up the clemitis to plant some toms.

            You are the have logged on here and talked to the world..

            You just have to know what you want to say....write some sort notes on Index cards, have a glass of water handy and if you get lost have a sip of water it will calm you down and give you a chance to think.
            My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


            • #7
              Good luck Deb, I am sure you will do it.

              With all the tv coverage etc just now you might find there are others out there too that would like a plot. Maybe ask around friends and people at work if you get a few it might help your case. COuld you put an advert in the local garden centre??

              Let us know how you get on and welcome to the vine, Mandy


              • #8
                Good luck! Ask for help by all means, but expect to do a lot of the work yourself. You are entitled to an allotment: the law says that councils outside inner London are obliged to provide allotment space if at least six council tax payers demand it.


                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  Wow Deb, way to go girl!! Sounds like you've started the ball rolling, don't worry about being nervous, the people on the PC aren't monsters, they are folks who are giving their time to help direct the local commmunity, and if it appears that there is a demand for alotments from those in the community, then it is in their interests to get behind your request. Perhaps an ad in a local shop window / Parish Magazine / local paper to ask anyone interested to contact you could provide you with at least 6 people who want plots, thereby giving you a legal entitlement may bne of help!

                  Good luck anyhows, and a warm welcome to the vine! Let us know how you get on!
                  Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                  'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                  The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                  Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                  Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                  On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                  • #10
                    Hope this helps...




                    I have found a few sites that might be of help to you.

                    Good luck with your efforts. It's going to be hard work but worth it.
                    Blogging at.....


                    • #11
                      Get your local paper or Parish Council to put out a questionnaire or appeal asking who would like an allotment. Get names, I'm sure there is a provision that if over a certain number of people per district apply for an allotment then the local council has to either provide a site or show that they are doing their best to do so. As you already have a site (albeit it needs clearing) you are more than half way there. GOOD LUCK


                      • #12
                        Hi Deb
                        I'm sure you will find that they actually WANT to help you - govt rules and all that, it's the 'in thing' at the moment and they can probably get grants to do it.

                        Fear not, take a deep breath, then breath out and 'really believe'.
                        How about asking at the school gate/ babysitting club or where ever, if other people would be interested? There is a 'Green' energy around at the moment and you may well find that your fears just melt away.
                        Best of luck,
                        Last edited by madderbat; 15-02-2007, 07:25 PM.


                        • #13
                          Hi Deb and good luck! Just remember that these Councillor folk are just ordinary people and you are probably much more qualified than they are to speak on the subject. Don't let them wear you down! Go out there and do your stuff!
                          Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                          ~ Mary Kay Ash


                          • #14
                            Thanks for all your support and helpfull advice

                            I am going to pop round and see the lady next door as she has lived here for over 50 years knows everyone and is a church goer so hopefully she will be able to give me some numbers and spread the news.

                            The school gates a no go as my son said if I turned up at his high school he would leave home.
                            might be worth a try! lol

                            Ill let you know how it progresses and contact some of the links you gave me

                            Thanks again I'm feeling more confident knowing you are all behind me



                            • #15
                              Have to say that the primary school my kids went to had an environment club which included growing their own veggies.
                              Good luck and trust your instincts--they are rarely wrong!!


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