Don't forget to ask them about the loan of skips. Would you have to hire them when clearing the site or will they give it to you FOC (free of charge).
I agree with the others here that you need to think about the future. It is always nice to have a hut / shop area for people to brew up etc (this could also make a bit of money for you over the year.
At a later date talk to local stables. They would be happy to give you their poo cause they normally have to pay to get it taken away.
Keep your eye out on freecycle for anything that you know would go to good use around the allotments. Sheds, greenhouse, gardening tools etc.
But most of all first things first get yourself a team of people. Once you have a few names down for who wants plots etc you can have meetings with them and deligate tasks out. At this stage you may feel that you are having to do all the work but soon you may find someone who has more time on their hands who would love to do everything and you can take a step back and leave it all to them and enjoy your plot.
Last note of advise put it down in writing now that you get first choice on the plots and give yurself the best one going!!! after all you did all the hard work for it.
I agree with the others here that you need to think about the future. It is always nice to have a hut / shop area for people to brew up etc (this could also make a bit of money for you over the year.
At a later date talk to local stables. They would be happy to give you their poo cause they normally have to pay to get it taken away.
Keep your eye out on freecycle for anything that you know would go to good use around the allotments. Sheds, greenhouse, gardening tools etc.
But most of all first things first get yourself a team of people. Once you have a few names down for who wants plots etc you can have meetings with them and deligate tasks out. At this stage you may feel that you are having to do all the work but soon you may find someone who has more time on their hands who would love to do everything and you can take a step back and leave it all to them and enjoy your plot.
Last note of advise put it down in writing now that you get first choice on the plots and give yurself the best one going!!! after all you did all the hard work for it.