Don't really know where to post this little rant, so as it's related to my lottie, I thought this might be the best place.
I took a couple hours off work yesterday afternoon as the weather was proper gorgeous - a real spring day - and thought I'd pop up to the lottie just to have a quick look at how things are doing, and see how my daffies are coming along.
I got there to find my blasted dalek had blown over at some point onto my lovely garlic, and emptied its contents all over the place
. AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!! It took me the best part of an hour to sort it all out. I've put the compost that was in the dalek into the permanent bins that the previous tenants left, and have relegated the damn thing to behind the shed for the time being, as this is the third time the it's ended up on it's side. I'm going to have to try and think of a way of anchoring it to the ground, as I'm fed up with having to sort it out.
I'm toying with the idea of putting it down on the flat-ish piece of ground where I'm going to put most of my spuds, as it's fairly sheltered and it can't go too far because of fencing and corrugated sheets. It'll save me having to cart bucket loads of compost down there by hand as well, as steps mean a barrow's out of the question. So it might work out for the best.
But why oh why is nothing ever simple????!!
Sorry for the whinge, but it really was the pinnacle of a pretty crappy day - the one place I go to get away from things, and it's trying to bite me on the bum too
I took a couple hours off work yesterday afternoon as the weather was proper gorgeous - a real spring day - and thought I'd pop up to the lottie just to have a quick look at how things are doing, and see how my daffies are coming along.
I got there to find my blasted dalek had blown over at some point onto my lovely garlic, and emptied its contents all over the place

I'm toying with the idea of putting it down on the flat-ish piece of ground where I'm going to put most of my spuds, as it's fairly sheltered and it can't go too far because of fencing and corrugated sheets. It'll save me having to cart bucket loads of compost down there by hand as well, as steps mean a barrow's out of the question. So it might work out for the best.
But why oh why is nothing ever simple????!!
Sorry for the whinge, but it really was the pinnacle of a pretty crappy day - the one place I go to get away from things, and it's trying to bite me on the bum too
