I've managed to find a really good supply of used coffee grains in quite large quantities as I heard they were great for clay soils but I'm not really sure how much to use and how to apply them?
I should be able to get at least a bin liner full each week if I wanted but should I leave them in the bags until winter or dig them in when I have free space on the plot i.e. just after I've harvested my winter onions or broadies for example?
Do I dig them in or sprinkle them on and leave? How much per 3" x 10" patch?
If I need to leave some because I haven't the space to dig them in do I leave them in a big pile or leave them in the bags - i thought they may rot?
I also managed to get two trays of used egg shells which I'm dead chuffed about cos my brassicas are going in now and over next few weeks - lots of lovely calcium to start them off
I've managed to find a really good supply of used coffee grains in quite large quantities as I heard they were great for clay soils but I'm not really sure how much to use and how to apply them?
I should be able to get at least a bin liner full each week if I wanted but should I leave them in the bags until winter or dig them in when I have free space on the plot i.e. just after I've harvested my winter onions or broadies for example?
Do I dig them in or sprinkle them on and leave? How much per 3" x 10" patch?
If I need to leave some because I haven't the space to dig them in do I leave them in a big pile or leave them in the bags - i thought they may rot?
I also managed to get two trays of used egg shells which I'm dead chuffed about cos my brassicas are going in now and over next few weeks - lots of lovely calcium to start them off
