Hi Guys!
We have our allotment judging at this time of year, so it can be a bit stressfull trying to get the plots looking really good, after 2 weeks of holiday we now have the plots looking great, but I wondered, when is your judging, and what things do you do to try and ensure you get a decent rating?
We actually followed the judges onto the site this morning, and watched whilst they were doing their thing, they took pictures of 6 of the 26 plots, including of ours, so it looks like for the first time ever, we may get at least a commended certificate!
I know we dont have our plots in order to try and impress some buerocrat, we have them for the fresh fruit and veg, with known providence, fab taste and a reduction in food miles, but I just wondered do you bother with doing anything special for the judging?
Lastly, for your edification and viewing pleasure, a few pictures from the plots this morning, I hope you like them!

We have our allotment judging at this time of year, so it can be a bit stressfull trying to get the plots looking really good, after 2 weeks of holiday we now have the plots looking great, but I wondered, when is your judging, and what things do you do to try and ensure you get a decent rating?
We actually followed the judges onto the site this morning, and watched whilst they were doing their thing, they took pictures of 6 of the 26 plots, including of ours, so it looks like for the first time ever, we may get at least a commended certificate!
I know we dont have our plots in order to try and impress some buerocrat, we have them for the fresh fruit and veg, with known providence, fab taste and a reduction in food miles, but I just wondered do you bother with doing anything special for the judging?
Lastly, for your edification and viewing pleasure, a few pictures from the plots this morning, I hope you like them!