Can anyone give some advice re peas. I have harvested the pods,didn't sow masses and masses but fair crop.(No pun intended!)However I can see where I have gone wrong. I left peas to slightly fatten and was rewarded with tough pods and none too sweet peas. However worst is the disgusting pea moth bugs. I can stomach much but opening pods to expose a wriggly mess makes me heave.I understand you can cover with fleece just prior to flowering but how on earth this is possible without an elaborate frame escapes me. Also if you grow mange tout or sugar snaps which are eaten pod and all does that mean you simply eat the bugs (gulp) regardless.
I am going to plant a late crop as although the packets stipulate end of June for last sowing my very informative book Allotment month by month does indicate a July sowing as possible. I am in West Sussex so temperatures ok.
Your help please.!!
I am going to plant a late crop as although the packets stipulate end of June for last sowing my very informative book Allotment month by month does indicate a July sowing as possible. I am in West Sussex so temperatures ok.
Your help please.!!