Due to one thing and another, after clearing my plot earlier in the year we never got round to planting anything this year, and as a result everything is overgrown with weeds again *sigh*.
I'm unsure how to tackle this - dp wants to strim and rotovate, but I think this will make it worse. I was thinking strim them dig the weeds out, then plant some green manure to smother everything - trouble is I'm not sure what kind, or if this is the ideal time of year to be doing it.
Also, I'd like to get some fruit bushes in - am I right in thinking these are planted Nov time? Perhaps I should concentrate on clearing space for them (any tips on ideal spot in the allotment?). What about garlic, and other stuff that overwinters? Is there anything I could be planting in the next few weeks? I did do a plan ealrier in the year but I've completely forgotten what was planted when, and really I'm thinking I should just concentrate on clearing the plot again! My main concern though is not letting it get overgrown with weeds again, hence why I was thinking of green manures.
Any advice much appreciated!
I'm unsure how to tackle this - dp wants to strim and rotovate, but I think this will make it worse. I was thinking strim them dig the weeds out, then plant some green manure to smother everything - trouble is I'm not sure what kind, or if this is the ideal time of year to be doing it.
Also, I'd like to get some fruit bushes in - am I right in thinking these are planted Nov time? Perhaps I should concentrate on clearing space for them (any tips on ideal spot in the allotment?). What about garlic, and other stuff that overwinters? Is there anything I could be planting in the next few weeks? I did do a plan ealrier in the year but I've completely forgotten what was planted when, and really I'm thinking I should just concentrate on clearing the plot again! My main concern though is not letting it get overgrown with weeds again, hence why I was thinking of green manures.
Any advice much appreciated!
