I've been on the waiting list for an allotment for about 18 months - not long compared to some of the horrific waiting lists I've been reading about on here!
I got a phonecall at the weekend to say a half plot was available, did I want it?! I rushed down there the next day to have a look and it seems to be in not tooooo bad a state ... previous tenant had three half plots, one of which he's kept up, one (in the middle) is covered in weeds as tall as me, and one (now MINE) he's had covered in thick black plastic for a year. There is still a bit of "weedage" including the marvellous bindweed which I am already cursing ... I haven't investigated fully yet, as I'm still waiting for the keys (they have one spare set from which you need to get your own set cut - these had just been given to another couple taking on a plot, so I have to wait for them to return them before getting mine cut! This was on Sunday ... I don't want to appear impatient, but I WANT MY KEYS
Hubby says I have now entered the world of allotments where things move slowly and I must exercise patience ....
Anyway ... my plan is to clear a bed at a time ... am hoping to get one bed going before too long, to plant some onions, garlic and broad beans.
My main question at the moment is the bindweed - one of the old blokes up there suggested I burn it, but I'm not very keen on that option ... am I best to just dig it all up and dispose of it?
Sorry, bit of an essay, but I'm so excited and the kids and hubby think I've lost it. Hubby will help with heavy stuff, but otherwise does not want to get involved, daughter has massive worm phobia and won't come near the place and son just wants to play football all day every day, so you lot seem like a friendly bunch of ears for my enthusiasm

I've been on the waiting list for an allotment for about 18 months - not long compared to some of the horrific waiting lists I've been reading about on here!

Anyway ... my plan is to clear a bed at a time ... am hoping to get one bed going before too long, to plant some onions, garlic and broad beans.
My main question at the moment is the bindweed - one of the old blokes up there suggested I burn it, but I'm not very keen on that option ... am I best to just dig it all up and dispose of it?
Sorry, bit of an essay, but I'm so excited and the kids and hubby think I've lost it. Hubby will help with heavy stuff, but otherwise does not want to get involved, daughter has massive worm phobia and won't come near the place and son just wants to play football all day every day, so you lot seem like a friendly bunch of ears for my enthusiasm
