I know this very wet weather isn't much use to anything other than ducks but I found it is a perfect ally for helping to get rid of docks with no effort (or chemicals) at all. Whilst down on the lottie yesterday morning, making the most of the brief sunshine, I was looking for a job to tackle and thought I'd have a go at digging up some docks and dandelions, well........ To my surprise
the docks came out of the soaking wet ground tap root and all. The ground is so loose at the mo' with all the rain that the docks seem to offer no resistance whatsoever. The dandelions came out, some with complete success, others with a big chunk of root attached. So excited was I that I completely cleared a 12' x 12' plot. Now all I have got to do is get rid of the couch roots
I've decided that this week I am going to tackle this plot rain or no rain.
