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  • plot

    what does everyone think, I have taken a second allotment on , it would have taken me a couple of months if I was lucky to clear it. anyway joking with another plot holder he helped me clear it and it will be ready for planting within to weeks, I think it is a really great idea to share it and we are going to share whatever crops we grow on it maybe give some from our other plots which maybe different.

    I think it is a really good idea as I could not have shifted it without him, he is a really nice person.

    I told my other half who is not in growing things who I am working on, he does not think it is a bad idea but fears that we could fall out, just to say that my other half is always over cautious no other reason.


  • #2
    I think that could all work out for you Kittykat. Two reasonable adults should be able to come to a working agreement over an allotment. Good luck with it.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      I agree with Alice - so long as you discuss beforehand what you both want to plant on the shared plot there should be no problems.

      British by birth
      Scottish by the Grace of God


      • #4
        Seems like a good idea to me, kittykat. I'm sharing all sorts of things - seeds, tools, timber, wheelbarrow - with my new allotment neighbours, and as long as we are careful of each others feelings and boundaries I expect it to be a very fruitful relationship. I would say though, if borrowing tools, set ground rules - no taking a tool away from the site without prior permission (easy to forget to take back, and then someone will need it and not remember/have) and anything broken gets replaced. It is a good idea to mark your tools with your initials, just to avoid misunderstandings; many of your tools, you may not see from one season to the next, so it is easy to forget who owns what. And it might pay to ask, "Is there anything I might do that really drives you up the wall ?"
        Getting on with your neighbours is always a learning experience, but generally it is easiest with those who are most helpful. On account of, they're helpful ! Goodwill overcomes a lot, once two people know each other.
        There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

        Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by kittykat8 View Post
          I told my other half who is not in growing things who I am working on, he does not think it is a bad idea but fears that we could fall out, just to say that my other half is always over cautious no other reason.
          Hope you can involve OH more in your plot plans.


          • #6
            I'm actually jealous because we can't get hold of a second plot due to a waiting list!! We got the first within 6 weeks of applying a year ago but there is now no hope of a second for another 3 years as things stand at the moment. How things change!!!


            • #7
              there is still a waiting list for all the other plots but people did not want this due to the work needed




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