I had half a plot last year which was divided into brassicas, roots and others.
I have now taken on a full plot aswell as keeping the half plot. The new full plot now has 8 beds and a area behind the beds for fruit brushes but now I have no idea what is going in the beds.
I have Jerusalem Artichokes, Rhubarb and Asparagus to go in but not much else, I think I need a shopping spree
I had half a plot last year which was divided into brassicas, roots and others.
I have now taken on a full plot aswell as keeping the half plot. The new full plot now has 8 beds and a area behind the beds for fruit brushes but now I have no idea what is going in the beds.
I have Jerusalem Artichokes, Rhubarb and Asparagus to go in but not much else, I think I need a shopping spree