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How far away is your allotment?


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  • #31
    My allotment is about a mile away, but we don't have a shed on the site. My partner has a car, but I don't, and I walk there most of the time when I want to go. It can be a bit of a pain if I want to go during the day and need to carry home big baskets full of veg along with various garden tools.

    This thread has just inspired me to ring up my local council and ask to be put on a list to move to a nearer site if a space opens up. (I walk past the nearer site five minutes from my house on my way to this other one, and it's always made me a little sad that my plot's not there!)


    • #32
      I have half a plot 3 minutes from where i live, and i would love the other half but i will have to wait for it to be come available. I have spoken to my plot association and they have offered me a full allotement at a site that is only about an 10-15 minute walk from my house, but i think i'll turn it down.

      I have two small children and time does get very short. and i prefer the site thats close as they can walk there with me. A 9 mile trip each way would become hard work after a while.

      I think you should wait for a plot closer to home.


      • #33
        Originally posted by sbeneli View Post
        I walk past the nearer site five minutes from my house on my way to this other one)
        Don't suppose there is a cat's-hell's-chance of someone on that site being in the same predicament and wanting to swap with you? and of TPTB allowing it? - rather than putting you both to the back of the queue!
        Last edited by Kristen; 25-01-2011, 04:21 PM.
        K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


        • #34
          Originally posted by Kristen View Post
          Don't suppose there is a cat's-hell's-chance of someone on that site being in the same predicament and wanting to swap with you? and of TPTB allowing it? - rather than putting you both to the back of the queue!
          What they're going to do is that as vacancies at the allotment I want to be at come up, if the person next in the waiting list is happy enough to take a site at any location, I can decide if I want to take the free plot or not.

          Whether or not we'll actually move will depend on how much work is needed on the new plot and how far into the season we are. At our current plot, all of the currently unused space (about 3/4 of the plot) is covered in weed fabric. If we've started planting lots for the spring, or if the new plot is going to require a whole lot of tending to make it useable, then we'll decline and wait until another plot is available or until next winter. We don't want to fall too far behind by having to do a lot of the clearing when we should be growing things. :-)


          • #35
            Our allotment is one mile from my house, but going to pick up my blind pal, then taking him home again afterwards is a 12 mile round trip. In the spring and summer we detour 3 miles to pick up hos muck once a week.
            I will be adding the yearly milage into my balance sheet for the year.
            Its Grand to be Daft...



            • #36
              I have two plots on an Allotment site. It's two to three minutes by car or if I walk ten Min's tops!!!!!


              • #37
                Mine is about 2 miles away so I drive there (no bike), but apart from when I go on my days off for the whole morning or whatever, I go the "country lane" way home from work and stop off.
                If you are too far away it not only becomes less economical, but you get unenthusiastic about going, "just to do a bit of watering".
                My mind works like lightning, One brilliant flash and it is gone!


                • #38
                  My plot is about a 10-15min walk. When we first got the plot it was about 25mins and I'm about to cut it down to 5mins once my house sale/purchase goes through, most of which will be through the actual site itself.


                  • #39
                    45 min walk. It is good idea to move somewhere closer.


                    • #40
                      We are a five minute car drive away - 3 miles approx.
                      Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                      Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                      • #41
                        Can't remember if I updated this with my new plot - but same as VVG, its 3 miles away. Through town traffic mind, it can take about 10mins.


                        • #42
                          Mine is down the road, round the corner, along a bit, cross the road, along a bit further then turn left down the allotment path. 3 minutes?


                          • #43
                            150yds, front door to shed door!


                            • #44
                              With barrow in tow, mine takes about three minutes, roughly 800 yards as the crow flies. I get some odd looks pushing a borrow, but then where I live they are mostly odd.!!
                              I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                              • #45
                                Well, didn't expect this so soon. Just got an email saying the plot on my preferred site is up for grabs if I want it!

                                Going to take it on, regardless of the state.. I'll start by building a proper, permenant bean structure on it. It's only 9.50 too, cheaper than the one 3 miles away - this one is just a mile away, and I've found by google maps a cycle route that cuts out a lot of the busy roads (shall have to fix my bike up now!).

                                I'm quite pleased, but have literally just got around to planting every-bloody-thing on my current plot!! Mind you it's stilla tip, and there's probably at least a skip full of rubbish on it. I get the plot free (current one) next year, but think I'll give it up in November/December time, as to give someone a chance to do some winter digging ready for the spring. Be a bit sad to, as I've met some lovely people there, but for the sake of 10/15 mins in the car, as opposed to 2 mins, or I'd guess 10 mins by bike it's gotta be worth it.

                                Also means I can pop over on the way back from work without deviating from my route too much.


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