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First Allotment


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  • First Allotment

    I've finally managed to secure my first allotment.

    I'll be able to start work on it in about two weeks time, so I'll be spending the next two weeks planning the layout and deciding what crops to grow.

    The plot I have is a half plot (I've been told it's 10m x 15m, although I'll be confirming these measurements) and I'd ultimately like to go for a no dig method of cultivation. The plot has been previously cultivated and looks to be in good order.

    My main question at this time, is one of orientation. The plot runs almost exactly from east to west, along its length. I'd like to grow some taller produce, such as sweetcorn and raspberry canes but I'm trying to envisage how the shadows from these will fall.

    Am I right in thinking that I will get long shadows over the plot in the morning, going from east to west, followed by shorter shadows falling south to north and finally long shadows falling west to east, in the evening?

    If this is so, would I be best planting my taller crops along the north border of the plot?

    I'm exited about the upcoming season and any hints and pointers, for a novice allotmenteer, would be gratefully received.
    Last edited by Jimi; 15-02-2011, 01:03 PM.

  • #2
    Hi there and fab news about the new plot. I'm only about 3 weeks ahead of you. I got my keys to half a plot on 20th Jan. I'm not sure on the shadows thing, but would also like to hear the responses.

    Just thought I'd share this link with you.

    You can get a 30 day free trial and plan out the whole plot. I found it really useful, just remember to print out all your plans before the free trail ends.

    Good luck


    • #3
      Are you able to visit the site and see what other plots do? I have found that there are several plots with permanent bean sticks on the site I have a half plot on. Our plots all run E-W and the sticks all run N-S so I will follow and they mostly stand at the mid point of the plot as well. I will add that our site is quite open without much shading from trees, buildings and the like and you will need to take this into consideration.
      Good luck with the plot, don't forget to take photos as you go and post them in the before and after thread in Allotment Advice so we can all see.


      • #4
        Hi Jimi..
        First off well done on getting your first plot, let the hard work begin!!
        Secondly with regards to your plot location, I have the same ie. east to west thing, no problem for me, I practice crop rotation, moving things around as one should, I plant tall things (runner beans, sweetcorn etc) in different places all over my plot year by year, I find what the sun misses in the morning, it gets in the afternoon, so I do not worry about it and I always get a bumper crop.
        You could nip down to your plot on a fine day with the sun shining and place a few tall sticks in the ground and watch for their resulting shadows.
        Suck it and see is what I say.
        Keep us posted on your progress



        • #5
          Originally posted by Jimi View Post
          would I be best planting my taller crops along the north border of the plot?
          Yes, you would, otherwise they'll shade the rest of your crops. Having said that, my rasps are only 3' tall and on my south side - they don't cast much shade
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            Great you have got your first plot. Sound advice to see what your neighbouring plotters do. However you decide to orientate your planting scheme, do remember you need to be a good neighbour. If something you plant or position close to a neighbouring plot is likely to deprive that plot of light, you should seriously consider an alternative position.

            One of my neighbours planted redcurrant bushes almost virtually on the border between our two plots and mine does get shaded during the day.
            Last edited by Aberdeenplotter; 15-02-2011, 03:14 PM.


            • #7
              Okay, I've had a chance to have a second look at my new plot. I still haven't got access for working it and planting yet, but I have had time to have a quick look over the soil.

              We've recently had some rain and when I visited the site it was badly puddled. This would suggest that the soil is clay in nature (Even then plots that have been worked look to have large clumps of soil).

              My question therefore is this. Some of my favourite vegetables are sweetcorn, carrots, parsnips and garlic. All the seem to prefer a light soil. Am I on a hiding to nothing trying to grow these things?


              • #8
                Congratulations on getting your plot!

                Raised beds are the way to go.
                You can alter the soil structure more easily in them.

                Also- something worth checking which most peeps don't even think about....ask about the drainage of the site. The sites I've been on had someone responsible for checking the pipes. Sometimes this gets overlooked- or the old clay field pipes may have partially collapsed. Certainly worth asking about .
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #9
                  Well done getting the plot. Regarding the raised beds and no-digging, have a look at Charles Dowding's site and books if you can.
                  This is my third year as a no-dig allotmenteer and it really makes things so, so much easier.

                  Good luck!
                  My 2014 No Dig Allotment
                  My 2013 No Dig Allotment
                  My 2012 No Dig Allotment
                  My 2011 No Dig Allotment


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jimi View Post
                    Okay, I've had a chance to have a second look at my new plot. I still haven't got access for working it and planting yet, but I have had time to have a quick look over the soil.

                    We've recently had some rain and when I visited the site it was badly puddled. This would suggest that the soil is clay in nature (Even then plots that have been worked look to have large clumps of soil).

                    My question therefore is this. Some of my favourite vegetables are sweetcorn, carrots, parsnips and garlic. All the seem to prefer a light soil. Am I on a hiding to nothing trying to grow these things?
                    Hi Jimi

                    I got my site 4 years ago and to start with it was a clay field and back breaking to dig however after every year the soil has become really workable and we have fantastic parsnips and carrots grown in clay soil. Direct sowing is the way forward and that way they are used to the conditions straight away. As long as you remove the stones you should be fine. Lots of rotted manure will help break the soil down but remember not to plant your roots in the manured soil otherwise they may split.


                    • #11
                      Okay, as the weather's been terrible the last few days, I've planned, revised, agonised, re-planned and re-re-planned the layout of my new plot.

                      I've attached a jpeg of the plan and would love some feedback. Am I trying to cram too much in to too small a space? Can you see anything that could be done better?

                      Thanks in advance

                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Jimi; 28-02-2011, 12:57 AM.


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