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Want to see my plot ;)


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  • Want to see my plot ;)

    Well i've finally got a plot-

    So what do you think?

    I think it is full of couch grass and that I am going to firstly dig the easier bits (by the wigwams), putting membrane down as I go. Then I will get my broad bean plants in. I will then possibly try some glyphosate on the really bad bit next week and continue digging towards that end, removing all couch grass as I go.

    I will also get some pallets for a compost bin (not for the couch..). Then will get some manure in to manure it all.

    I was going to try and grow parsnips this year but that might go on hold for now!

  • #2

    it looks like mine did 3 years ago: Plot 3 "Nettles R Us" | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    You'll get there, clear it little & often
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Good looking site, nice and open and in pretty good condition I'd say. You've got the weather on your side right now so I'd act fast if I were you (i.e not much is growing at full throttle just yet).

      Depending on how organic you want to be you could forego using gylphosate and still have excellent results.
      From my experience, I'd borrow or hire a good quality petrol strimmer and strim all the grass right down to the soil level. As you go along, take a fork and remove all the dock, dandelion and other persistent weed plants, whole, as you come across them.
      Mark out your beds with line and pegs.
      Visit your local convenience stores and try to get as much cardboard as you can off them to cover all the beds you are not working on. Obviously weight them down with soil or even better a thick layer of well rotted manure or compost (5-10cm if possible).
      This will exclude the light from the grass killing/weakening it over the coming months and as the cardboard degrades the worms will incorporate the manure in the soil for you and by the time to make your way to digging it, it will be really easy to do or in some cases not necessary at all.

      Good luck!
      My 2014 No Dig Allotment
      My 2013 No Dig Allotment
      My 2012 No Dig Allotment
      My 2011 No Dig Allotment


      • #4
        and grow potatoes first year....all that digging, planting, earthing up, digging them out again.....i'm clearing a piece of land bit by bit ...each year as i clear more thats where i put the potatoes.......

        Dont use weedkillers......
        Last edited by Jardiniere; 01-03-2011, 05:27 PM.


        • #5
          Congrats! Think digging little and often is definitely the key.

          You could always try some veg like parnsips in containers while you sort the space out.

          Alys Fowler wrote a good column in the Guardian this week about covering plots with cardboard.

          Last edited by Jono; 01-03-2011, 08:37 PM. Reason: Forgot the link.
          Real Men Sow - a cheery allotment blog.


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