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I got one! :)


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  • I got one! :)

    Just signed up today, had the choice of two.. one lower down than mine, or this one with the shed on. I think it used to be two half plots, as the shed is in a bit of an odd position across a full plot. Well, not sure if it's full size? It's ~25' x 75'.

    Couple of pics, as I know we all like to see them:

    Standing from where I am, it goes back into the brambles. Width wise, over to the other side of the shed....

    From the opposite corner to where I am, are the bramles:

    Here's the shed:

    Need to put a new door on it, but it's really solid wood That's why I chose this one (to be able to collect water too!). Not that near a tap, but it's the closet plot to the tap.

    �15/year, �5 deposit for a key. Because it's in such a "state" (??!) I get next years rent free. They said it needed a bit of attention, so I expected 6 foot brambles all the way though it. Looking forward to the challenge, as I've done a similar amount of clearing and digging here at home.

    Just trying to decide how I'll have the plot - thinking most likely as beds with 'grass' paths.. to keep the cost down, I don't plan on making any more raised beds.

    What's the recommended bed length? I was thinking of doing maybe 12' long.. 4' wide, but that doesn't leave a lot of width for paths. Everyone else on the site dig over their hole plots?!

    I'm already called "kid", as everyone else is like 80 heh. Half of the site is full of chickens, which is nice. Few cocks on there, which is surprising, as houses so close by.

    I've seen some gooseberry bushes, other bushes I have no idea what are (possibly berries as the stems look similar to mine - which unfortunately I have to move because paths are being made wider) and erm some rhubarb, and LOADS and LOADS of strawberries. I think the previous tennant was a bit of a fruit nut!

    There's probably about 7 raised beds, so I'll make use of them some how - not sure yet.

    Right, off down there to make a start clearing it!

    Couple more pics here:
    Last edited by chris; 13-03-2011, 12:09 PM.

  • #2
    Congratulations Chris - do keep the photos coming!
    Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


    • #3
      Well done, I've given up here therefore my lawn is disappearing rapidly



      • #4
        Really pleased for you Chris
        Location....East Midlands.


        • #5
          loads of potential, looks great!!


          • #6
            Congratulations and a year free rent, very well done.

            Yep a shed is great thing to have, even if it's just for shelter. As it's already got hinges, you just need to get hold of an old door and your sorted. You might even be able to fix a long piece of wood to the top of the door, until you find/fix another one? Also you could be creative with what colour/s you do the shed. Have fun.


            • #7
              Congrats!! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it


              • #8
                Congrat's from me too Chris. Now the graft begins eh Hope all goes well for you.

                Help Wildlife.
                Take only photos-leave only footprints-Kill only time.


                • #9
                  well done my back is starting to ache


                  • #10
                    Congratulations! You've got some Bramble digging to do there!
                    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                    • #11
                      Thanks all. Re-measured, it's 23' wide due to the new paths between plots being widened.. So I've started to measure out some beds, which are around 10.5' long by 4' wide.

                      Took advice from one of zazen's posts a while ago, and have marked my pathways out with weed control fabric. Shall have to see if I can either source some chipped up trees, or slowly by some bark from B&Q/where ever is cheap [btw: question - when that starts to rot on the path ways, does that steal nitrogen from the surround soil?].

                      The position of the shed is a bit of pain, as it casts quite a large shadow (hopefully that'll be reduced when the sun is higher in the sky!):

                      Still, happy I have one now. Aching already, just doing one of the beds - the amount of glass in there is crazy, cut my self a few times - right pain sifting all the weeds out!

                      I have a few blue containers on the plot - and have a setup ala two sheds!

                      So I'll drag the others around to the back and side of the shed and link them up. I've also seen the lids for them under the brambles.

                      Thinking of siting the compost bins either in the shadow of the shed, or the side of it (which will be in shadow when the sun is due south) - or is it better to be in the sun most of the day to heat up better? I'm guessing it should be ok, as I'd rather use this partial shady space for that, rather than loose potential growing space!

                      I have a run at the west end (plot runs E->W) of a tall hedge that'll cast some shade when the sun is setting.. so have at least some shady parts for raspberries.

                      I've also found two bathtubs on my plot! I'll sink those in the ground for blueberries, or similar.

                      Right, off to nosey at your lots lottie plans..

                      Oh before I do, does anyone know what this is? -

                      I'm guessing this a summer fruiting raspberry? It borders my plot, so might re-locate it - there are suckers of it everywhere! - They look like they've come from this on the neighbouring plot:



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dottie View Post
                        Congratulations and a year free rent, very well done.

                        Yep a shed is great thing to have, even if it's just for shelter. As it's already got hinges, you just need to get hold of an old door and your sorted. You might even be able to fix a long piece of wood to the top of the door, until you find/fix another one? Also you could be creative with what colour/s you do the shed. Have fun.
                        Yep, I've found the wood for the bottom of the door. Bit rotten, but I have some plywood at home.. could always use that for the time being, just will need to cut the padlock off.

                        Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                        Congratulations! You've got some Bramble digging to do there!
                        Yep, I'm thinking of leaving that for the time being - get the front part of it sorted, and then tackle them!


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