I finally got round to arranging a delivery of horse manure on Sunday morning, �5 delivered not bad at all. My plot is about 25m away from the carpark where the muck was dropped off and in the time it took for me to walk back to my shed, put on my wellies and grab a fork one old boy had filled a barrow up and was making off. It was only a small barrow so I let him keep it and gave him the muckman's number. But he wasn't the only one. A couple of loads later another one had filled a massive barrow and was about to cart it off when I got there. I had to stop another three from nabbing my brown gold before I'd managed to get it all to my plot.
What amazes me is that there was hardly anyone nearby (it's a big site) but they were coming from all over. Sniffing out a fresh delivery of manure must be a finely honed allotment skill.
Next time I'll take a sign with me, though I half expect some of it to be missing next time I'm up there.
What amazes me is that there was hardly anyone nearby (it's a big site) but they were coming from all over. Sniffing out a fresh delivery of manure must be a finely honed allotment skill.
Next time I'll take a sign with me, though I half expect some of it to be missing next time I'm up there.