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Shed roof in the snow


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  • Shed roof in the snow

    Hello everyone. Have really enjoyed reading lots of posts since getting my lottie in Sept. I've been busy last couple of weekends building a shed on my plot but icy winds yesterday meant we didn't get the felt on the roof and have had to leave the OSB 'wood' exposed. Have had snow today - will wet weather rot the uncovered OSB? Should I let it dry completely (LOL - maybe by July!) before putting on felt? Thanks in advance for DIY advice.

    Best wishes

  • #2
    Hi JayKay,

    Welcome to the vine, glad you came in out of the snow to say hi.

    I am not sure about the shed, probably be better to get it covered I would think but I am sure someone will be along shortly with words of wisdom.



    • #3
      Thanks Mandy.

      We left the roof covered yesterday but the wind had blown loose the black plastic sheet during the night and I couldn't get it back on by myself today in strong northerly winds. I'll have another go once the wind drops but don't want to trap moisture under the sheet either. I think I need calm, dry weather - fingers crossed - it's nearly Spring!


      • #4
        Ideally it would make sense to get it dry but seeing as you're unlikely to get a long enough dry period at the moment and the inside of your shed is a bit different to the inside of your house then I wouldn't worry too much, you won't be trapping any moisture as it can dry out from within and as Mandy says, probably best to get it sorted.

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