Hi guys, I have a burning question in my mind...
I just took delivery of two tonnes of well rotted bark chipping compost from a tree surgeon. The stuff is roasting hot in bits, mildly warm in others. Okay, it will cool as I wheelbarrow it from the heap (on the pavement outside the lotties !) to my plot, but what I am wondering is, how safe am I to plant into it ? I was told that the stuff I was getting would be old enough not to be sucking up nitrogen (from the bottom of a 300 tonne pile, been there years) but I was not expecting it to actually be hot.
Some of it looks just like soil, but a lot of it just looks like very decomposed bits of chippings, with the occasional stick. Great for my hotbed coldframes that are going above my compost bin, but can I stick my tatties, artichokes and rhubarb into the stuff, with a bit of topsoil mixed in ? Would I be safest to add some pelleted chicken manure just to get around any problems with lack of nitrogen ?
I will cry if this stuff turns out to be no use...I paid �50 for it, half my annual lottie budget !
Of course, being an archetypal grippy Aberdonian, I am hoping I will be able to pick pre-roasted artichokes and baked tatties...

I just took delivery of two tonnes of well rotted bark chipping compost from a tree surgeon. The stuff is roasting hot in bits, mildly warm in others. Okay, it will cool as I wheelbarrow it from the heap (on the pavement outside the lotties !) to my plot, but what I am wondering is, how safe am I to plant into it ? I was told that the stuff I was getting would be old enough not to be sucking up nitrogen (from the bottom of a 300 tonne pile, been there years) but I was not expecting it to actually be hot.

I will cry if this stuff turns out to be no use...I paid �50 for it, half my annual lottie budget !

Of course, being an archetypal grippy Aberdonian, I am hoping I will be able to pick pre-roasted artichokes and baked tatties...
