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Hardening Off


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  • Hardening Off

    I can't get down the allotment everyday so a coldframe isn't an option as it can't be closed at night etc.
    I therefore have plants in the greenhouse and from there they have to go out into the raised beds. I either put them under fleece or use bottle cloches
    Is this doing the same thing or am I setting my plants back.
    Don't know what else to do

  • #2
    Hi Sue,

    As you'll appreciate the idea of 'hardening off' is done to gradually aclimatise the plants to the difference in temperature between undercover and the final planting position outside.
    Assuming your grenhouse is unheated the plants will not suffer as much if planted outside with no hardening off, especially as you are using bottle cloches or fleece.
    Worst case scenario would be a particularly cold night and the plants would suffer a 'check' in growth. It then takes the plants some days or weeks to regain the speed of growth they would have had should they have been hardened off. Whether plants are hardened off or not, a surprise frost might kill them anyway.
    If would suggest just keep doing what you can...with one eye on the weekly weather forecast just in case frost is forecast. If you have the space, sow a few extra seeds and keep in greenhouse as reserves just in case some of the the ones outside perish.

    Good luck!

    Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure


    • #3
      Can't you leave them outside the greenhouse at night to harden off before taking them to the lottie?
      We use fleece too and leave it on all week if neccessary, if a cold snap occurs ,after they have been taken to the lottie.
      Wonderful stuff fleece isn't it!?
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        My greenhouse is on the allotment, a nine stop bus ride from where I live, at home I have a tiny flat with no outside (except pavement!) I get up to the allotment every other day so using a coldframe would result in either freezing or frying my plants.
        I wish I could use a coldframe, flat and greenhouse are full and there's still loads of seeds to sow.
        I'll just have to carry on with the bottles and the fleece - my poor babies - but at least they will be protected from slugs as well. Nothing worse than all that hard work to find it's ended up in some slugs stomach.


        • #5
          Easy answer.

          Fit an automatic opener to a coldframe.

          Job done.
          Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
          Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
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