I have a new allotment, in its first year, on what used to be agricultural land. Potatos, broad beans, courgettes, onions, garlic, lettuce, herbs, globe artichokes and a few other things have grown well - but every brassica plantlet has been munched, also peas, beans, asparagus peas and strawbs...some of it was rabbits getting in a gap under the gate, but I am pretty sure I am keeping the rabbits out now, and have planted and replanted and replanted with brassicas under nets secured down really well - all munched to nothing within days of planting, soooo frustrating.
There are little tunnels left beside the munched stalks so I think it is probably field voles (?). Anyone any ideas what to do about them? I'm hoping for a wildlife-friendly solution - ie to persuade them to move on...or ideas for other veg that voles won't eat? btw, the other allotments around me seem to be able to grow wonderful brassicas, peas and beands etc, so it seems to be very localised to my plot. I have planted some in the garden plot, although less space there. Any ideas?