I got a call a few days ago telling me that I had been allocated an allotment if I wanted it! I am currently in Malta but get back on Wednesday morning (
) and am uber excited. I know I totally didn't sound like it on the phone though. Stunned is more like it as I was totally not expecting one so soon. It feels like only yesterday that I sent off the form! Although I suspect it has been at least 6 months. I'm living in a time warp atm.
So now the planning/confusion begins. This next year is going to be bonkers as I am submitting my PhD thesis in August come hell or high water. And hubby's job is getting more stressful by the minute. But....I figure if I can get through this next year I should be fine after that. Being realistic, I think I will be able to go to the lottie for a couple of days every other week or at most once a week. It's not ideal, but it can't really be helped given my crazy workload. The allotment is 15-20 minutes away by car.
So...any ideas on what I could plant that will give me good crops but don't need as much looking after? Tomatoes, peas, cucurbits, calabrese, psb, kale and chard will be planted at home in my veg beds as it's stuff that I decide to cook at the spur of the moment or needs harvesting virtually every day. I was thinking that if I planted things like potatoes, onions, garlic, leeks, carrots and cabbages that need more space but don't mind not being watered loads after they're established, that would be the way forward. My chickens adore brassicas as well so it would be lovely to grow some stuff for them too. They actually jump up to try and snatch it out of my hand when they see me carrying kale!
I also want to put in some fruit bushes. Well...quite a few fruit bushes if I'm honest. I have a blackcurrant bush in a pot that is crying out to be put in the ground and I would absolutely love to be able to grow more berries. They are so expensive but I love them soooo much! I was going to put a raspberry bed in at home (I have space for another 4 raised beds) but maybe I could plant them at the lottie? I'm kind of wishing I had started the rows of raised beds further back from the house now. If I had done so I would have more space for pretty things near the house as the productive bit of the garden would be 9 feet further back. Ah well... I have 7 raised beds built and dug over at home at the moment. I want to put strawbs, raspberries, and asparagus in 3 of the remaining beds at home which will leave one to join the other 6 beds as general veg beds. (one has rhubarb in). Who knows! We might even be almost self sufficient in veg some day!
I realise I am now rambling...but I am so excited! I have loads of scaffold boards left over from doing my beds at home that I've been saving for building beds at my dream lottie as well as loads of anti-bird netting for a fruit cage and anti butterfly netting for my brassicas... Squee!

So now the planning/confusion begins. This next year is going to be bonkers as I am submitting my PhD thesis in August come hell or high water. And hubby's job is getting more stressful by the minute. But....I figure if I can get through this next year I should be fine after that. Being realistic, I think I will be able to go to the lottie for a couple of days every other week or at most once a week. It's not ideal, but it can't really be helped given my crazy workload. The allotment is 15-20 minutes away by car.
So...any ideas on what I could plant that will give me good crops but don't need as much looking after? Tomatoes, peas, cucurbits, calabrese, psb, kale and chard will be planted at home in my veg beds as it's stuff that I decide to cook at the spur of the moment or needs harvesting virtually every day. I was thinking that if I planted things like potatoes, onions, garlic, leeks, carrots and cabbages that need more space but don't mind not being watered loads after they're established, that would be the way forward. My chickens adore brassicas as well so it would be lovely to grow some stuff for them too. They actually jump up to try and snatch it out of my hand when they see me carrying kale!
I also want to put in some fruit bushes. Well...quite a few fruit bushes if I'm honest. I have a blackcurrant bush in a pot that is crying out to be put in the ground and I would absolutely love to be able to grow more berries. They are so expensive but I love them soooo much! I was going to put a raspberry bed in at home (I have space for another 4 raised beds) but maybe I could plant them at the lottie? I'm kind of wishing I had started the rows of raised beds further back from the house now. If I had done so I would have more space for pretty things near the house as the productive bit of the garden would be 9 feet further back. Ah well... I have 7 raised beds built and dug over at home at the moment. I want to put strawbs, raspberries, and asparagus in 3 of the remaining beds at home which will leave one to join the other 6 beds as general veg beds. (one has rhubarb in). Who knows! We might even be almost self sufficient in veg some day!
I realise I am now rambling...but I am so excited! I have loads of scaffold boards left over from doing my beds at home that I've been saving for building beds at my dream lottie as well as loads of anti-bird netting for a fruit cage and anti butterfly netting for my brassicas... Squee!