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Hobbit Allotment!


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  • Cheers, Sno. Am going with the Forking in a bit at a time method, I think.

    Luckily for me, it's not a big area. One quadrant of a 12sqm bed. Pop's was kind enough to help getting a couple of bags of building sand. With any luck, it won't brass me off as much as the curcurbit patch did today.
    Horticultural Hobbit!/HorticulturalH


    • I would make a joke, about where there's muck there's brass...but folk might think it was in poo'er taste !
      There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

      Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


      • Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
        My next big job is put the sand in. Any advice how?

        Are you going to rotate your carrot patch every year? You don't really want to be adding sand EVERY year do you? (hard work)

        You could do what I did really successfully: sow your carrot seed in Morrisons buckets, sunk in the soil. You can put whatever medium you like in the buckets. Sinking into the soil helps to conserve moisture

        I do it for spuds too
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
          Are you going to rotate your carrot patch every year? You don't really want to be adding sand EVERY year do you? (hard work)
          Not too sure about whether I will be rotating. The patch as it stands at the moment, isn't too big. Have been adding sand and digging today. Its about 4sq metres, and I've only used one bag of sand. I'm continually experimenting, so you never know really. There are onions all over the shop, so i'm doomed if the leaf miner and rot turns up.
          Horticultural Hobbit



          • I plant my spuds with the bulb planter too Hobbit but be careful, the Wilkinsons ones are not that strong and mine sheared off at the top and cut my hand. Entirely my fault, I was too heavy handed. I haven't even got particularly clay soil either.


            • Originally posted by Sanjo View Post
              I plant my spuds with the bulb planter too Hobbit but be careful, the Wilkinsons ones are not that strong and mine sheared off at the top and cut my hand. Entirely my fault, I was too heavy handed. I haven't even got particularly clay soil either.
              Sage advice, sanjo. Shall see what happens come April
              Horticultural Hobbit




              • Originally posted by Sanjo View Post
                bulb planter ...the Wilkinsons ones are not that strong and mine sheared off at the top and cut my hand.
                Anything they sell should still be of "merchantable quality" ie fit for purpose. I'd have sent a strong letter to head office, myself

                I bought loads of their bright lime green module trays one year, and they all split after about a fortnight. I took them all back and left them on the customer service desk.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • Originally posted by Sanjo View Post
                  I plant my spuds with the bulb planter too Hobbit but be careful, the Wilkinsons ones are not that strong and mine sheared off at the top and cut my hand. Entirely my fault, I was too heavy handed. I haven't even got particularly clay soil either.
                  My poundland one did about five holes!
                  the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                  Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                  • Will keep you posted in due course about the success and survival of the bulb planter of doom.
                    Horticultural Hobbit




                    • Ah yes, Poundland tools...last about as long as it takes the pound to land in the till...
                      (Although I have gotten some surprisingly good stuff there, to be fair.)
                      There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                      Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


                      • I got a couple of wind socks from them recently. Think they are quite cool really.
                        Horticultural Hobbit




                        • I got a couple of wind socks from them recently. Think they are quite cool really.
                          Yes, but when they fail it will be a real blow !
                          There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                          Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


                          • Getting growing, it's spring.

                            Well Spring is here, and I need to get myself into gear. I've got my curcurbits started, so that is the official proper kick off for me. I have been dreaming of sowing courgettes and things. Was therefore rather amazed at how quickly they came through. I know that I have another six to eight weeks before they go to ground as it were. Chillies have started to come through, these are the third, fourth, five sowing, I can't remember. Still keeping tomatos on the window sill, though they are getting tall. So I do need to do something about those. Some of them are bush, some of them are vine. One of them is dwarf patio jobbie.

                            Cucumbers, okra and caulis were sown today, and put into the magic seed grower.Panic not, I will take them out when ready so as to prevent leggy drunken falling over. I have paid attention to Zazen's advice about the brassicas not needing heat. Okra, a bit experimental. Would love to get those from pot to Ma's kitchen. Cucumbers, are for middle sister and her lunches. Caulis, stuffed chappatis.

                            My cabbage/brassica bed is a mess, in that it need digging over and weeding. It seriously hacks me off! I get rather annoyed looking at it, and do that disappointed shake of the head. That said, my favourtie toy is the hand held onion hoe. Wow, that cuts through weeds. Lost my hand trowel at school, and can't find it. So that annoyed me. Serves me right for taking it in, I suppose.

                            Carrots are sown, covered with fleece; making me feel a little more on task. Erm, various peas and beans put into modules. Have planted out the first batch of peas. I need to get my head around successive growing of peas. My broadies and runners are taking their time in the modules, and I am not going to rush them. Will hopefully transplant them with the second batch of peas at Easter.

                            And boy is the plot dry. I don't know how I am going to get it moist, like the cabbage patch; it makes me very cross.

                            I do like my wendy house. Only one zip works, and it is still there. It gets very warm in there!

                            I have morrisons buckets, did a small victory dance when I did. So they will be used. Probably for chillies, peppers, okra and aubs.


                            Lettuce. Pop's don't like Valdor winter lettuce. I have some bubbles and claremont, currently baby seedlings .Cabbage. Hehhehheee. Oh they look pretty lovely as babies in the wendy house.I have procured a proper cabbage net, abandoning the idea of the net curtains. Need to also sink some slug traps. What shall do I do with the slugs who have been boozed up?

                            I have tulips starting to flower on the plot. I deliberately chose tulips over daffs, just because. The plot is very girly, lots of pinks and reds.


                            The hyacinths that I thought had died, have come through! Pink ones, a lovely soft pink. They look fairly mutant before they flower. Was a wonder ooh, moment when I saw the pink splodges.

                            Toms, i've vaguely talked about. Chillies, aubergines...


                            So far, as far as funny names go.

                            The hooligan pumpkin, is called pumpkin. The BNS this year is being called Dadal. And one of the aubs, if they survive, Nietzche.

                            Thata's all the for the moment, will no doubt have more as we go on.
                            Last edited by horticultural_hobbit; 24-03-2012, 08:27 PM.
                            Horticultural Hobbit




                            • Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
                              been dreaming of sowing courgettes ... rather amazed at how quickly they came through...another six to eight weeks before they go to ground
                              You'll be astounded & bamboozled then, at how BIG they get in 6 weeks

                              Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
                              brassica bed is a mess, in that it need digging over and weeding
                              Just cover it in something like cardboard. Water it all first, that will bring the worms up to start the digging for you

                              Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
                              need to get my head around successive growing of peas
                              I use a monthly divider thingy. I sow peas in March, then put the rest of the pack in April, then in May, and so on

                              Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
                              runners ...Will hopefully transplant them with the second batch of peas at Easter
                              Runners are tender and don't like the cold. Easter is perhaps a little early? When is your last frost?

                              Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
                              What shall do I do with the slugs who have been boozed up?
                              Compost heap. Hopefully you've put twigs in the cups so you don't drown spiders and beetles too? (slugs can't climb twigs)
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                                You'll be astounded & bamboozled then, at how BIG they get in 6 weeks

                                The triffids, oh yes I learned that last year.

                                Runners are tender and don't like the cold. Easter is perhaps a little early? When is your last frost?

                                In may, according to the on line calculator thingy. Have sown scarlet emperor previously, around st patricks day, and they've been okay. Naturally, every year is different, and this year I have a few different varieties.

                                Compost heap. Hopefully you've put twigs in the cups so you don't drown spiders and beetles too? (slugs can't climb twigs)
                                Noted have yet to sink the slug traps that will be filled with Pop's beer.
                                Horticultural Hobbit




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