I know the subject of paths has been discussed at length - I spent an hour reading the many threads last night. I'm trying to decide what to do with our new 2nd plot. Our first one has straw paths, but they have to be renewed almost every year or the weeds go mad (like they have this year cos I didn't refresh).
I'm toying with the idea of grass but not sure. Those of you that have grass, do you sow seed or just let it grow and end up with weeds too? Also has anyone tried a path of green manure eg phacelia, limnanthes, clover? What about creeping thyme? Would these grow if I was walking on them all the time? Ideas suggestions welcome
I'm toying with the idea of grass but not sure. Those of you that have grass, do you sow seed or just let it grow and end up with weeds too? Also has anyone tried a path of green manure eg phacelia, limnanthes, clover? What about creeping thyme? Would these grow if I was walking on them all the time? Ideas suggestions welcome
