I have just had to pull up a load of Red Russian Kale and Romanesco as they were covered with a thick layer of white "powder". Is this powdery mildew? The Romanesco were also looking very deformed, but I think that is due to the fact that they had reached the top of the cage and the netting had prevented them from growing any higher.
Incidentally, what height should the cages/netting be on beds with PSB & brussels in? I have blue water pipe hoops with debris netting over, but have discovered that these aren't tall enough and am thinking of buying some aluminium tubes and joiners from gardening naturally to build taller and more 'square' cages. It works out quite expensive though. Does anyone use these and would you recommend them?
Thanks in advance for great advice as always
Incidentally, what height should the cages/netting be on beds with PSB & brussels in? I have blue water pipe hoops with debris netting over, but have discovered that these aren't tall enough and am thinking of buying some aluminium tubes and joiners from gardening naturally to build taller and more 'square' cages. It works out quite expensive though. Does anyone use these and would you recommend them?
Thanks in advance for great advice as always
