Probably too much of a back story but here goes! The two main alloters in my family (me and my Dad) both have lumber spine pain that doesn't allow us to dig proper like, so having read Supersprout's posts on the advice of other grapes we're attempting a no-dig allotment this year. We're amazingly lucky with our allotment - within sight of our house, it was in good nick when we got it, it's clay that has been looked after, and it's in Essex, so the weather's fairly friendly. It's a small plot, only 9m by 6m, but it's more than enough for us to cope with.
I've laid out the beds in a five year rotation system. I've used the now uprooted and dead weeds as mulch which I know I will regret as they had seed heads, but the vast majority were marigolds so not a major hassle if they do re-emerge. I have also added some shredded paper (a scattering, not a complete layer) to all five beds and added horse manure in varying degrees to all but the carrot bed. I've covered it with water permeable weed membrane. Not the most attractive look but we need every help we can get against weeds, and it stops the paper blowing away.

My plan is to peel up the membrane to add more mulch as I find it - it's quite a challenge to find enough!
My main question is about manure. My luck has continued and I have a local source of free manure, bags of the stuff. Last weekend I got 5 bags, and only had to stop because my boot was full. I plan to get another bootful this weekend. My question is - is it possible to put too much manure on a no dig clay-based bed? Should I stop at some point and compost the rest or just keep piling it on (with other mulch like grass clippings etc.)?
I've laid out the beds in a five year rotation system. I've used the now uprooted and dead weeds as mulch which I know I will regret as they had seed heads, but the vast majority were marigolds so not a major hassle if they do re-emerge. I have also added some shredded paper (a scattering, not a complete layer) to all five beds and added horse manure in varying degrees to all but the carrot bed. I've covered it with water permeable weed membrane. Not the most attractive look but we need every help we can get against weeds, and it stops the paper blowing away.

My plan is to peel up the membrane to add more mulch as I find it - it's quite a challenge to find enough!
My main question is about manure. My luck has continued and I have a local source of free manure, bags of the stuff. Last weekend I got 5 bags, and only had to stop because my boot was full. I plan to get another bootful this weekend. My question is - is it possible to put too much manure on a no dig clay-based bed? Should I stop at some point and compost the rest or just keep piling it on (with other mulch like grass clippings etc.)?