Ok so I got my allotment half plot, last Nov. I have been very busy digging etc. Thought I would make raised beds so have been using pallet wood.
have marked out 8 beds all 4ft wide 1st two 24 ft long rest 24ft long the two short ones are to allow for compost bins, I was going to make three but have only made one so far.
I dont have a shed or greenhouse on my alloment
there are no other allotments with sheds on and only one with a greenhouse with all the windows out (vandalisum I think).
then I when seed shopping big mistake, oh my god I dont know how many seed packets that came through the post, together with seed potatoes and onion sets and I also ordered some plug plants as I didnt think I would have time to do everything from seeds.
I have planned out my allotment bed by bed.
brought some shelving units for my conservartory to accomodate my seed trays and started sowing.
Now I am panicing my potatoes arnt in yet and my beds arnt the way I would like them before I plant I havent finished my digging and dont think I have enought room for all the veg I have.
My Potatoes have been in egg boxes since end ferb in my unheated conservatory and only the earlys show any real signs of chitting how long do these root things have to be before you know they have chitted sucessfully
have marked out 8 beds all 4ft wide 1st two 24 ft long rest 24ft long the two short ones are to allow for compost bins, I was going to make three but have only made one so far.
I dont have a shed or greenhouse on my alloment

then I when seed shopping big mistake, oh my god I dont know how many seed packets that came through the post, together with seed potatoes and onion sets and I also ordered some plug plants as I didnt think I would have time to do everything from seeds.
I have planned out my allotment bed by bed.
brought some shelving units for my conservartory to accomodate my seed trays and started sowing.
Now I am panicing my potatoes arnt in yet and my beds arnt the way I would like them before I plant I havent finished my digging and dont think I have enought room for all the veg I have.
My Potatoes have been in egg boxes since end ferb in my unheated conservatory and only the earlys show any real signs of chitting how long do these root things have to be before you know they have chitted sucessfully