I took on a half-plot allotment last year- it was newly divided from a full plot, and the previous owner, a somewhat... interesting... person, is still the neighbour. The first time I met her she told me she used to grow flowers in one bed, by the simple method of chucking a packet of seed on it in spring, and spraying it with weedkiller in autumn. And she seemed surprised when I said I'd really rather not do that. All despite apparently telling the site rep she was growing organically. 
Having seen her plot in action this year, I've realised she meant it- she's sprayed large swathes of grass (including a path she decided to make on my plot
), which is all now very dead.
I know roughly where she's sprayed, though I don't know what with exactly- and I don't know how long it'll really be before it's safe to grow on those bits again. I did attempt to grow a bit in the bed she'd done, with a bit of new soil over the top, but nothing did very well, and even the dandelions are growing funny on the edges where I didn't add soil - stunted with red tinges to the leaves. I never see her down there, so I can't ask what it was she's using. It's by no means the whole plot, but it's a fairly substantial portion that's affected.
So, my question is- what can I do about this? Does anyone have any ideas what rubbish she's stuck on it, or how long it'll be before it's safe to grow stuff on it again? Any ideas for improving the situation?
Thanks in advance.

Having seen her plot in action this year, I've realised she meant it- she's sprayed large swathes of grass (including a path she decided to make on my plot

I know roughly where she's sprayed, though I don't know what with exactly- and I don't know how long it'll really be before it's safe to grow on those bits again. I did attempt to grow a bit in the bed she'd done, with a bit of new soil over the top, but nothing did very well, and even the dandelions are growing funny on the edges where I didn't add soil - stunted with red tinges to the leaves. I never see her down there, so I can't ask what it was she's using. It's by no means the whole plot, but it's a fairly substantial portion that's affected.
So, my question is- what can I do about this? Does anyone have any ideas what rubbish she's stuck on it, or how long it'll be before it's safe to grow stuff on it again? Any ideas for improving the situation?
Thanks in advance.
