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Last tenants veg are still in the ground


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  • Last tenants veg are still in the ground

    ....but the plot has been given to me. I signed for 2 weeks ago but the last chap is showing no signs of getting his stuff out. There's a large bed of potatoes to dig up, a patch of strawberry plants, a load of root veg and some very late sprouts.

    I don't know what to do. I don't want to just turf all his stuff off, as it seems mean but I know the site manager has contacted him and given him my number as I offered to help in case he was struggling etc etc but I really really really want to make a start on the land. it needs a lot of tidying and I want to get the horse poo in ready for winter.

    Advice would be very welcome.

  • #2
    Well you could get the potatoes up, and any that aren't slug damaged etc can be stored in sacks. Then if he turns up, he can have em, otherwise you can use them? Ditto the sprouts, cut the whole stem with sprouts attached and they'll keep for a while. Root veg will keep in boxes in damp sand, again assuming it is not damaged by slugs etc.


    • #3
      It's yours now....simples! But great advice from sarzWiz to store it!

      I doubt he would want to move the strawbs......june will soon be here!

      Good luck with with the plot.......piccies?

      Loving my allotment!


      • #4
        Lucky you! Can you contact the previous owner yourself and ask him if he wants any of it before you eat it?


        • #5
          It's bought and paid for now, the plots yours, so it's time to do as you will with it.
          You have given the previous owner a good bit of notice to get in touch with you, and he hasn't bothered. To me, that speaks volumes.
          Just do it..
          "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


          • #6
            well, he was obviously taking care of the plot, so something must have prompted him to give it up. If it was ill health maybe that's why he hasn't fetched his produce. Why not give him a ring and see?


            • #7
              I would just check with the manager as regards the written rules to se if this is covered in any agrement-If not just carry on, as you have given him ample notice.
              good luck.
              "... discipline is what the world needs today and etiquette, you know. For one of the noblest things a man can do is to do the best he can, yeah ..."

              Prince Far I (1944-1983)


              • #8
                Anyone giving up here are given a certain time to remove anything including any veg. After that time anything left is yours to keep. Dig up and store as sarz said, but if he doesnt collect or arrange to collect use it yourself. Ask the site manager to tell him he has x time to remove or collect from you.
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #9
                  He knew he was giving up the plot so if he wanted anything he would have collected it by now. Really he shouldn't have access to the site now if he's not a plot holder. Our site is very secure and you can't get it without keys which obviously you're supposed to give back at the end of the tenancy.


                  • #10
                    May be ill health/something else has given him other things to think about. If you have his number give him a ring and come to some arrangement. Good luck with the plot
                    Updated my blog on 13 January



                    • #11
                      I think its a bit rich that you have signed your agreement, and yet this other bloke still has the right to come and go as he pleases.....once the agreement is signed, its yours, full stop.


                      • #12
                        Yes, that's my view as well. Bit tough expecting you to do the hard work of lifting and storing his crops for him. If his lease hasn't yet expired, that puts a different complexion on it


                        • #13
                          I agree with northepaul - personally, i'd dig it up, keep it for a couple of weeks (if it'll keep that long) - telling the site manager that you've done it, and to contact the chap - if you don't hear back within that time frame then keep it and consume it yourself if you choose to.


                          • #14
                            I personally wouldn't waste food, I'd eat it

                            If you've signed & paid up, it's all yours
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • #15
                              i don't mind digging them up at all. Its been so long since I've done any gardening I'm looking forward to the physical side. I just dont want to get off on a bad foot, but I dont see why carefully storing his stuff would be considered a bad foot. And yes I would eat the veg, well apart from the sprouts. i think there might be stacks of potatoes so I might share them with friends and family


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