My local Wyevale has half price on seeds so I picked up �24 worth of seeds for �12 - I hadn't understood the sale signs so this was very pleasing! Those plus some free ones my Mum got from a man in a pub (I have no idea how she does these things) and leftovers from last year. I bought myself a hand hoe from Amazon as I seem to work better crawling on the ground but that was with a Christmas voucher. Oh and two new 220l daleks are on the way from the council - �27 for the pair including delivery.
This week I think I'm going to blow more on a new mini greenhouse as they too are half price at Wyevale - assuming they have any left. Plus seed potatoes. And then I may cut up my credit card and hide my purse to stop me buying anything else!
This week I think I'm going to blow more on a new mini greenhouse as they too are half price at Wyevale - assuming they have any left. Plus seed potatoes. And then I may cut up my credit card and hide my purse to stop me buying anything else!