I have taken on half on an adjoining plot as the plotholder can't work it this year but did not want to give it up; he'll be back next year! I haven't really got time to clear it all for planting in the spring. I have been reading about lasagna gardening and wondered if spent mushroom compost would do for the brown,' compost' layer? If I cut down weeds, put down plenty of newspaper, then put the mushroom compost on top, would that do? I've got lots of stuff in the compost heap that is breaking down really slowly, could I add that? And if so, where in the layers? I would like to plant spuds and onions in the plot as they are easy, we eat loads of them and if he decides he does not want to 'come back', then they will have cleaned the soil a bit too. Advice please as there is an offer on locally at the moment for 1.5 cubic metres of spent compost delivered free for �100. It sounds like a bargain to me!
