The guy next to our plot has a half plot. It used to be a full plot until three months ago when half of it was given up to a new holder. For this I am grateful as she has taken a neglected plot and worked tirelessly on it. The other half of this once whole plot, is still neglected. It has been this way for the three years that we have been there. Two more before that, according to the other plot holders. This is a Parish Council owned site and despite complaints no action has been taken to take back this plot.
The weed seeds from his allotment cascade on our plot predominantly and that of my neighbour.
I thought PC allotments had to be 75% maintained according to allotment law or have I made that bit up? I understand that all allotments have their fallow period but this guy's fallow period is all year round, every year.
Can we do anything?
The weed seeds from his allotment cascade on our plot predominantly and that of my neighbour.
I thought PC allotments had to be 75% maintained according to allotment law or have I made that bit up? I understand that all allotments have their fallow period but this guy's fallow period is all year round, every year.
Can we do anything?