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Wash off your compost!


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  • #16
    Hi Mothhawk - you pipped me to the post, everyone should make sure their tetanus injections are up to date. One of my OH's aunties died after tripping over an upturned garden rake prior to the abx era.
    A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows


    • #17
      Originally posted by Nicos View Post
      like this??
      Can I do a Double Like for those?


      • #18
        I call B@ll@cks,there is one line in that report that refutes all that precede it,I think that someone in high office wants us to start panic buying "safe" compost ...........

        "Over the past five years we've had three confirmed cases of Legionella longbeachae, plus two 'probable' and one 'possible' so we do need to take steps to reduce the risk even further." so thats 3 cases then

        Doctors all over the UK are being urged to be alert for a link with gardening if they see patients with unusual pneumonia.

        Symptoms of Legionella longbeachae include headaches, diarrhoea or a dry cough followed by pneumonia.

        Most people recover after treatment with antibiotics and Dr Donaghy said other cases may have gone unreported.

        "One of the features of this phenomenon is that we've only seen it in Scotland," he said.

        "We're working closely with colleagues in England to find out the reasons for that.
        Continue reading the main story
        “Start Quote

        The exceptional rarity of these cases would seem to indicate that any associated risks are exceedingly minimal”

        Growing Media Association

        "Are our services better at picking it up, or is it something to do with the nature of compost up here?

        "We've got no evidence it's anything to do with the compost so we think it's more to do with being better at picking it up."

        Like all forms of Legionnaire's disease, longbeachae is transmitted via very small droplets of water in the air.

        All those who have contracted the illness so far were very keen gardeners, using different brands of compost.

        Specialists are now investigating whether recent changes to compost formulas might be to blame as manufacturers move away from traditional peat-based growing media.
        He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

        Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


        • #19
          Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
          This warning is associated with the inhalation of droplets of water carrying Legionnaires, not bacteria entering the blood stream through cuts.
          Was it? I admit I stopped reading after this bit: "experts are warning them to wash their hands after using compost, particularly before eating"
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #20
            Originally posted by dominic10 View Post
            everyone should make sure their tetanus injections are up to date.
            The full course of the tetanus vaccination consists of five doses. The first three doses are given during early childhood. The [fourth] is given at around four years of age. The [fifth] one is given 10 years later.
            After the full course, you should have lifelong immunity against tetanus
            source: NHS Direct
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #21
              That tetanus regime was certainly not in place when I was growing up 2S - isn't it wonderful that something that was fatal in the past is now easily treated!
              A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows


              • #22
                Here's some more info about this type of Legionella infection if you want to depress yourself!!
                Legionella longbeachae infection Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments and Causes -


                • #23
                  Originally posted by dominic10 View Post
                  That tetanus regime was certainly not in place when I was growing up 2S - isn't it wonderful that something that was fatal in the past is now easily treated!
                  Lots of childhood vacc and imm injections were not available when I was young either. We had TB and Polio drops. I've caught up on my tetanus injections now through various little accidents!!


                  • #24
                    Legionella in compost...

                    BBC News - Gardeners told 'wash off compost'


                    • #25
                      I did look before posting that, honest... I thought it a bit odd that no one had!

                      I did wonder about the water v compost things as well, as I understood Legionella bacteria to need stagnant water to multiply.

                      Just a note about tetanus vaccinations... I have been told to get one repeated every 10 years. maybe because I work in a so-called higher risk occupation... though I think I have more risk gardening than in my occupation (but then again, what do drs know... I was given a tetanus injection in A&E years ago for a dog bite but the same dr refused to give me antibiotics... dogs' mouths don't carry Clostridium tetani, but they have a whole host of other nasty staphs, streps, Fusobacterium...)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by chris View Post
                        I'll merge the threads. You trump FF, VC as you posted 2 mins before FF
                        I remembered posting Chris, but assumed I had forgotten to press the reply button when the thread seemed not to appear. I never thought about it being moved! Doh
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • #27
                          Just received this:-

                          A recommendation from Blyth Council regarding water purifying tablets which will make the contents of your water butts safe.

                          The tablets make the water drinkable so will have no detrimental affect on plants.
                          Details - (each tablet treats 20 Litres of water)

                          Water purification tablets - Oasis — Welcome

                          I purchased mine at - (or Ebay)

                          Oasis Water Purification Tablets 167mg NaDCC Bulk Packed

                          Note from me.......Wonders???? Do I really want sterile water butts?
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • #28
                            Here we go again - BBC News - Lothian Legionella cases linked to compost


                            • #29

                              Leigonella is almost always contracted through inhaling contaminated water droplets. So the most common sources are air conditioning systems and showers or occassionally taps.

                              Your water butt is almost certainly harbouring some but provided you aren't breathing the spray from it I'd doubt it poses a significant risk. Temperature of the water also matters and so when its warm in summer the mix is likely to be worse.

                              If you were to connect a sprinkler system to it you'd be at noticable risk.

                              Struggling to see how eating something contaminated with leigonella will get in your lungs unless you inhale the food or contamination off it.

                              Would be more concerned at the risk of e-coli etc from poorly rotted manure.

                              I'm sure if they go looking for leigonella and you have it in your water butt they'll find it in your compost. But that doesn't make compost the vector...


                              • #30
                                I guess its my farming background but I go by the old addage "you have to eat a peck of dirt before you die" I have tucked into many a sandwitch with cow manure encrusted hands. I am a strong believer in creating a healthy immune system by challenging it. Live in a sanitised sterile environment and you will fall prey to every bug you come across.
                                Besides all that we seem obsessed with health and cleanliness on the one hand and we are grossly overpopulated on the other, the government spend billions on keeping us all healthy when really we would all be better off if half of us died. There is not a problem worldwide that wouldnt be cured by having a lot less people on this planet.
                                photo album of my garden in my profile


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