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we just cleared our new allottment!


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  • we just cleared our new allottment!

    Got the allottment last week!

    Last weekend we just cleared it. Two days of hard work for myself and my lovely wife.

    What to plant now????

    I know the season to plant is coming to an end, and it's our first go, so I'd go for something safe rather than exotic.

    Peas, runner beans, french beans, broad beans, potatoes...?

    Advice welcome!

  • #2
    Go to the garden centre and see what plants they have waiting to be bought.

    You can start loads of stuff still. The weather has been so bizarre this year you stand a good a chance as anyone else of getting a harvest.

    Radishes, lettuce, spring onions, are a few things you can get stuck in as seeds now.


    • #3
      Thanks, alldigging. Good advice.

      BTW we are in sunny Oxfordshire.


      • #4
        you can pick plants up from farm shops, garden centres and the like.

        I went and got some carrots and parsnips that where well on theri way the otehr day to counteract the ones I put in three weeks that havent germinated.


        • #5
          stick some beans and squshes in,they got two chances,especcially courgetts/marrows,winter brasicas,sweede???some flower/herb seeds have a google,then in a few month time it will be overwintering onions ext,fair enough they do not keep,but will give you some over winter focuse plus earl onions,you can always freeze any surplas,so you got some to go at untill the summer ones are ready,
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • #6
            Hi, Well done on all your hard work

            What Lottie Lady said ........ good advice - you've got plenty of time to get stuff in!

            Happy growing.
            T x

            Crikey it's chilli in here. Let's turnip the heat


            • #7
              I've just been browsing through this, which might give you some ideas:
              Vegetable seeds to sow in June
              March is the new winter.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Peppo View Post
                Last weekend we just cleared it.
                Well done.

                Now get it all planted up or covered, or else it'll be covered in weeds again by July
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by eirish View Post
                  I've just been browsing through this, which might give you some ideas:
                  Vegetable seeds to sow in June
                  Ooooh I like that - now on my favourites list :0)
                  T x

                  Crikey it's chilli in here. Let's turnip the heat


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                    Well done.

                    Now get it all planted up or covered, or else it'll be covered in weeds again by July
                    thats the one - invest �30 in some quality weed membrane and cover the WHOLE thing up - then cut out of the membrane where you want to grow stuff.

                    I didnt do this first tiem I cleared my site. I sure as hell did it the 2nd time I did so - less than a month after doing it forst blinking time !!


                    • #11
                      Or save a few quid and grow green manures (and old cardboard)

                      Both will add goodness to the soil, whereas plastic doesn't enrich it at all. But, horses for courses.
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                        Well done.

                        Now get it all planted up or covered, or else it'll be covered in weeds again by July
                        Yes, absolutely!

                        In fact, we already covered some with black plastic (poly-something) sheet.
                        Yes, I will cover also the area we'll plant, with small holes just for the plant to stick out.


                        • #13
                          I was at homebase last night and spotted sets of 3 tomatoes plants (jamie oliver) at �1.00 per set (down from �4), so I got a few of those.

                          I'll move my broad beans from the veg garden to the alottment, and have the toms in the garden.



                          • #14
                            As above, try as hard as you can to keep the plot free of weeds. Also work out how you'll have your beds and mark them and the paths out. Then get a load of well rotted manure, cover the beds with 4-6" of it and cover with cardbaord or weed membrane and leave. Depending on when you get to them you should have lovely rich and weed free beds underneath.

                            My lottie neighbour, bless her, clears her plot at least 3 times per year and each time the weeds are 2-3ft tall. It must be really disheartening for her but she won't cover it over once she's cleared it.
                            My 2014 No Dig Allotment
                            My 2013 No Dig Allotment
                            My 2012 No Dig Allotment
                            My 2011 No Dig Allotment


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